[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Pottawatamie, Mt. Pisgah. 4 a.m., rain commenced. 11:15 minutes, council in post office. B. Young, H. C. Kimball, P. P. Pratt, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith, A. Lyman, W. Richards, Bishops Whitney and Miller, 6 of the YTFIF, and 3 others present. Captains G. Sherwood, Hazen Kimball, and G. S. Clark left camp for the Pottawatamie tribe to confer with their chiefs. After much conversation on the traveling of the camp, G. A. Smith offered his teams to President Young and he would tarry behind if circumstances required. President Young offered to stay or leave his family and go. Elder KimballÂ's place had been sold in Nauvoo for 35 yoke of oxen, gone to pay for Church teams in camp. Council voted he take what teams he needs from the camp.
Elder Kimball moved the Twelve stay here and let those who are ready go on. Seconded by Dr. Richards, and lost. President Young moved that the Twelve and such others as they may select go on over the mountains. Carried. Council decided that all the Saints at Garden Grove who wish have the privilege of removing to this place. Council decided that a general council of all the brethren be called in the morning at 9 oÂ'clock, and the business of this dayÂ's council be laid before them and ascertain their minds. President Young spoke of appointing a presidency at Mt. Pisgah, which was laid over for future consideration. They also spoke of those who were ready going on with some pioneers and opening a way to Council Bluffs. President Young said he had a 5 gallon cruise of oil belonging to the seventies which he wanted Brother Lee to take and divide among the women. 15 minutes of 3, council adjourned to 9 a.m. tomorrow. Rain continued. Wrote Samuel Bent, Garden Grove, the decision of council concerning them (on file). John Kay, William Pitt, and others arrived from Garden Grove.
[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]
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