Mormon History, Monday, Jan 11, 1847.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Brother Braffit called and reported concerning F. D. RichardÂ's oxen, as he supposed Brother Potter called and reported that the wolves had eaten a yoke of the Dr.Â's [Richards] big stags. President Young called about half past 10 and invited the Dr. to a council at E. T. BensonÂ's. The Dr. was sick in bed, but immediately arose and repaired to Brother BensonÂ's where he found Presidents Young, Kimball, Woodruff, O. Pratt, E. T. Benson. G. A. Smith, Father Isaac Morley, Horace S. Eldridge, and Hosea Stout. After conversation on decisions on certain principles of the Church and kingdom of God, President Amasa Lyman came in about 3 oÂ'clock and concurred in the previous decisions.
President Young said he dreamed of seeing Joseph the night previous and conversing with him; that Mother Smith was present and very deeply engaged in reading a pamphlet when Joseph, with a great deal of dignity, turned his head towards his mother, partly looking over his shoulder, and said, "Have you got the word of God there?" Mother Smith replied, "There is truth here." Joseph replied, "That may be, but I think you will be sick of that pretty soon." Joseph appeared to feel extremely well, was sociable, and laughed very heartily. The conversation was continued, mostly about the best organization of companies for emigration, the expediency of some of the council remaining at Winter Quarters, etc., until about sunset when council retired.
Trumen O. Angell brought in a table for the Dr. [Richards] which he made out of some pieces of a packing and salt box which was supposed to have been made some 25 years ago out of a piece of on old house which was torn down in Richmond, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Wind northwest. Pleasant, cool day. Mary Woolly [Woolley], who had been cut off from the Church on the east side of the river for lying and detaining some property belonging to a child of George and Alice Cooper, called for council. The Dr. advised her, and her husband, Henry Woolley [Woolly], that if ought of said property remained in their possession, to return it and be baptized anew.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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