Mormon History, 1839

-- During 1839
[Nauvoo] Through the exploration of Israel Barlow in southern Iowa, Joseph Smith learns that lands "at the head of the rapids" in Illinois and across the river in Iowa Territory are available for purchase and concludes these regions should be the main places to gather. (1)

Pratt, Parley Parker: Published pamphlet on Missouri persecutions 1839. (2)

[Schism] Alston Church; Isaac Russell (organizer); Split off/Continuation of Church of Christ; Now Defunct; Taught that the Latter Day Saints should remain in Missouri and not emigrate to Illinois; formed prior to the death of Joseph Smith. (3)

Smith, Don Carlos: Edited thirty-one issues of Times and Seasons (1839-41). (2)

Smith, Don Carlos: Located in McDonough County, Illinois, near Macomb, 1839. (2)

Smith, Don Carlos: Moved to Nauvoo by late 1839. (2)

Smith, John: Expelled from Missouri 1839. (2)

Smith, Samuel Harrison: Located in Quincy, Illinois, 1839. Later moved onto George Millers farm at Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois. (2)

Smith, William B: Expelled from Missouri 1839. (2)

Smith, William B: Failed to go to England on mission with others of Twelve 1839. (2)

Smith, William B: Settled in Plymouth, Illinois, 1839. (2)

Snow, Erastus: Located in Montrose, Iowa, 1839. (2)

Snow, Lorenzo: Taught school in Shakersville, Ohio, 1839-40. (2)

1 - LDS Church News: Nauvoo -- The City of Joseph,
2 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985
3 - Wikipedia, List of Sects in the Latter-Day Saint Movement,

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