Mormon History, Dec 3, 1847

[Minutes, Quorum of Twelve] All of the Council adjourned to bro. Daileys house.
Pres[iden]t. Young wants a description of the Valley by one of the brethren.
[He] presumes there are 12000 Mormons on the Pottawatomie Lands besides what are in Missouri.
O. Hyde[:] Mrs. Polk (Pres[iden]t. Wife) Ex Pres[iden]t Mrs. Madison-& the Mayor of Washington, also the Clergy are getting up tea parties in getting up tea parties in behalf of the suffering Mormons.-Col Kane has a finger in it.
H. C. Kimball[:] ["]I motion that Orson Hyde go to the East & try to fulfil the Drs. dream." E. T Benson sec[onde]d.
W Woodruff /W. Richards./[: "]I move that the Pres[iden]t. nominate some person to give a description of the journey & the valley-that the Epistle to the Saints in the Valley be read- followed by the /history of the/ revival of religion in Illinois"-G. A. Smith sec[onde]d. [C]arried-
B. Young nominates Orson Pratt to that duty-
G. A. Smith suggests that the authorities find out the Seventies, Hi[gh] Priests, & Elders & organize them-[T]hey were invited in to the next house to partook of.
[At] about " past 6 Elder Appleby came into Council & presented Gold Pens & Pencils from Col Kane to the Twelve & give a short description of the State of the Churches in the Eastern Cities.-
Pres[iden]t. Young presented Thomas Bullock with a gold pen as the Chief Clerk, & a remembrance.
[B]ro Appleby related bro Waldo s charge ag[ain]st. bro Bates-[H]e considered both parties in the wrong, but rectified it & made peace.
W[illia]m. Smith ordained a black man Elder at Lowell & he has married a White girl & they have a child. Pres[iden]t. Young[:] If they were far away from the Gentiles they wo[ul]d. all have to be killed-[W]hen they mingle seed it is death to all. If a black man & white woman come to you & demand baptism can you deny them? [T]he law is their seed shall not be amalg[a]mated. Mulattoes are like mules [-] they cant have the children, but if they will be Eunuchs for the Kingdom of God s Heaven s sake they may have a place in the Temple.
B. Y.[:] The Lamanites are purely of the house of Israel & it is a curse that is to be removed when the fulness of the Gospel comes-
O. H. Has taught that if girls marry the half breeds they are throwing themselves away & becoming as one of them.
B. Y.[:] It is wrong for them to do so.
B. Y.[:] The Pottawatomies will not own a man who has the negro blood in him-that is the reason why the Indians disown the Negro Prophet.-
[W]rite Albert Pettee at Ft Kearny.
[A]t " past 10. H. C. K retired to bed. leaving B. Y., O. H., & W R chatting until one oclock when they also went to bed-

[source: Minutes, Quorum of Twelve]

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