Mormon History, Mar 17, 1847 (Morning)

[Brigham Young Sermon] President Brigham Young said that he had but little business here this evening only to see the brethren and converse with them. Asked the Captains what success they met with in fitting up the pioneers and getting the wagons ready. Reported favorably. Said that unless the pioneers get off this week that he would not stop to make a farm as he was determined to see the Loup Fork of Platt river by the 1st of April. The pioneers have done well today, they have got the dam so that the water is now running in the race and could we get about 100 men more on the morrow I think the dam might be secured and that the mill will start by morning. Called for volunteers; 26 offered their services. While speaking a messenger reported that the mill had started. On hearing the news a general shout was raised. Brother Phineas Young said that he wanted a horse to ride to the mountains to hunt buffaloes for the pioneers. President Young said, Brethren, you have heard what Brother Phineas has said and you that are in favor of his going by saying Aye. (Unanimous)'- President Young said that some probably thought he consumed several thousands of dollars within a year. If I do I never have borrowed money upon the influence of no man hut my own but I have borrowed thousands of dollars to lend to others. Just as I am with my brethren now going to the mountains, not to benefit myself independent of my brethren. I feel as the apostle said, that they without the ancients could not be made perfect, neither can you be made perfect without me nor I without you. I never have wronged any man out of his money. Still I do not expect to pay all my debts before I go, but the borrowed money I will pay and I will do it by faith. I will liquidate (or see it done) the debt that is hanging over Bishop Whitney at St. Louis of $14,000. I have done more for this people this winter than would pay for bringing me 50 lbs. of flour to the mountains then return for their family. I may be indebted to individuals that has helped me. Now I am going to the mountains and I want the presidents and counselors, the Captains of 100's see that the families of the Twelve are taken along and that old Father John Smith and family be taken. Don't leave him. He has been with us from the beginning. He is of Joseph's family and we want him along. I have things written and I want them not to be neglected. It would be better for some young persons to remain than Father Smith to be left. Brother George A. Smith and family, Brother Pratt, Richards and perhaps others of the twelve will need help. See that they are fitted out and brought on. Let the Captains meet again on Friday evening, if they choose, and we will clear out the room that the people may be seated and we will have meetings. Brother Willard Snow reported that Brother C. Bird had purchased from 30 to 50 bushels of potatoes which must be brought from there on the morrow or next day after. President Young said that those of the brethren who wanted potatoes let them pay Brother Lee the money in advance that he may procure them, whereupon about $7 was paid. -- Winter Quarters, Nebraska [Journals of John D. Lee 1846-47 and 1859. Charles Kelly, ed. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1984. 123-12]

[source: The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)]

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