Mormon History, Jan 1, 1845, Wednesday

-- Jan 1, 1845, Wednesday
[William Clayton Writings] ``Thou has done more for me than I have deserved,'' he prayed in gratitude at the end of Nauvoo's most distressing year, 1844, and then continued: ``And now O God I will praise thee. I will speak good of thy name for all thy mercies and I here record my gratitude to thee and my confidence in thy work and my determination to endure to the end.'' (1)

-- Jan. 1. [1845]
[Brigham Young Journal] Went in company with Elder H. C. Kimball to Evan Ward- and performed the ceremony of marriage afternoon went to dine at Br Hiram Kimballs (2)

-- 3 [Jan 1845]
[Brigham Young Journal] Went upon the hill- 3 Do - 4th do (2)

-- Jan 3, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 3d Passed Holly Head at 9 oclok. Took Pilot on board at 10 oclok. He Pressed on all sail. He informed us that the steemer & the Europe both got in on Sunday the 29th Dec. Easterly winds have prevailed in the channel for six weeks.

It is a busy day with us getting ready to go on shore. We were towed with a steemer within 4 miles of Liverpool. They cast anchor. I took the steemer with my family & went to Liverpool but getting on the [dock?] I came near being pushed into the water & when the boat landed at the Dock before we got on shore it pushed of again & had to return to the dock in order to land us.

We took Cab & called at 36 Chapel st Liverpool in order to find Elder Hedlock but no one was in so we spent the night at Pig & whistle No 20 chapel st & was truly glad to set our feet on shore again after being Confined to the ship at sea 27 days. The whole distance from New York to Liverpool is three thousand eight hundred miles. 3,800 miles. (3)

Wilford Woodruff: Arrived in Liverpool 3 January 1845. (4)

[Wilford Woodruff] Arrives in Liverpool, England (5)

-- Jan 3, 1845 (Friday)
Apostle Wilford Woodruff and accompanying missionaries arrived at Liverpool, England. Wilford Woodruff succeeded Reuben Hedlock as president of the British mission. (6)

-- Jan 4, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 4th This is another severe hard days work packing up our things & getting our baggage & trunks through the Custom House. I had to Pay £1.10s on a few books & two small bundles of times & seasons sent by Elder John Taylor. I had an interview with Elders Hedlock & Ward & spent a few moments in talking matters & afairs over. We took Logings at No 11 Key St. My Bill at Pig & Whistle was 9/ shillings which I paid. 6 m.

I wrote a letter to the New York Prophet. Informed them of our arival. (3)

[Patriarchal Blessings] [Patriarchal Blessing of James Bean on January 4, 1845]

Nauvoo Jany 4th 1845 a Blessing by John Smith Patriarch, upon the head of James Bean son of William and Anna Bean born March 3, 1804 Christian County, Kentucky

Brother James in the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon thy head & seal & confirm upon thee a Father[']s blessing: thou art of the house & lineage of Joseph, a lawful heir to the Priesthood & all the blessings which were sealed by his Father Jacob upon the head of Ephraim: thou art to travel & preach the gospel for several years & thou shalt be blessed & prospered in thy labors, shall be a son of conselation to the saints & shall persuade many to receive the truth; thou shalt baptize & lead many of the rich & the rulers to Zion with much riches & inasmuch as thou art a liberal man God shall deal liberally with thee, for thy children whom thou shalt baptize will heap riches upon thee; thou shalt also have an endowment in the house of the Lord, which will enable thee to go forth & no power shall stay thy hand; & when thou hast finished thy mission abroad, thou shalt return to thine inheritance, & settle down with thy companion & children, a very great number with thy bre
thren the children of Ephraim enjoying all the blessings which you desire in righteousness & be a counselor in the house of Israel for evermore thy name shall be had in honorable remembrance forevermore as a man of wisdom & as a good counselor among the saints forever. The number of thy years shall be many according to the desire of thy heart, even to see Israel gathered from every part of the earth, to see the heavens unveiled & the Savior make his appearance; thou shalt have the ministering of Angels to help thee through thy ministry & thou shalt be satisfied with every good thing: I seal all these blessings upon thee & thy posterity forever & if thy faith fail not every word shall be sure unto thee, even so. Amen. (7)

-- Jany 4th 1845
[High Council Minutes]

The High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, met at the Seventie's Hall according to appointment, and from thence convened at the dwelling house of Coun H.G. Shwewood and opened by prayer from Brother Phineas Richards.

Councellors Present.

Samu[e]l Bent Jas. Allred

Lewis D. Wilson Alpheus Cutler

David Fulmer Geo. W. Harris

Thos. Grover

Newel Knight Wm Huntington

Pnineas Richards for E.T. Benson H.G. Sherwood

Presidents John Smith and Chas C. Rich Presiding with President Bent.

Voted that H.G. Sherwood be a committee to inform Brother Christopher Murkley to meet in the dwelling house of President John Smith on Tues[da]y evening next, in order to settle a difficulty existing between him and Brother Saml Music, before Prest John Smith Wm Huntington & H.G. Sherwood.

Councellor Sherwood then read an article touching the case of Danl and Nancy Botsford, which was approved. Voted to adjourn till next Saturday at this house, to meet at one o'clock P.M. Dismissed by Prayer from Prest John Smith

Calvin C. Pendleton Clerk (8)

1 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
2 - Brigham Young Journal # 4 in the handwriting of: William Clayton, Evan Greene, John D. Lee, Willard Richards. First person account kept by others. 'Lieut. Genl Brigham Young's Journal 1844'
3 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,
4 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985,
5 - Kenny, Scott (editor), Wilford Woodruff's Journals 1833-1898, Chronology Signature Books, Midvale, Utah,
6 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
7 - Patriarchal Blessings
8 - Minutes of the High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nauvoo Illinois: Nauvoo Hancock County Illinois,

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