Mormon History, Feb 9, 1849

[Brigham Young Sermon] President Brigham Young said that we are safe; still he said that he was not disappointed, for he believed all the while that corn was not so scarce as many expected, and that there is at least one to each person per day at this time, and if those that have do not sell to those that have not, we will just take it and distribute among the poor, and those that have and will not divide willingly may be thankful that their heads are not found wallowing in the snow. There is some of the meanest spirits here among the saints that ever graced this footstool. They are too mean to live among the gentiles. The gentiles would be ashamed of them. Still if the day should be fine next Sabbath, I will talk to the people in public. I know the strongest side are willing to do right'- President Young said, at no time since the rise of this church has money ever been so plenty as at this present time, and that he would rather raise the tax to 1 1/2 percent, then to reduce it to 1/2 percent; all the property that any man has here will bring the cash which make it equal on all. Poll tax is and was never intended to do more than keep roads in repair after they were opened. -- Salt Lake City [DJLJ 1:88-89]

[source: The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]

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