Mormon History, Feb 25, 1849

[Hosea Stout Diary] Sunday Feb. 25th 1849. Warm S. wind & Cloudy. Went to meeting as usual at ten oc[.] Several ordinances were read which were passed yesterday by the Legislative Council and one in particular was an ordinance appointing H. S. Eldrege Marshall.another inflicting a fine of 25 dollars each on five young men named, Elias Pearsons, B. Brackenbery, John F Murdoc[.] Jesse Earl & Frazier for unbecoming & demoralizing conduct.
They got up a party on the Cottonwood at Fraziers Mothers & they each selected their lady and marched there Spanish fashion with the Lady on before & they behind[.] Staid all night & came home the same way. This and some more calculations of a worse nature still was the cause of their being fined. The subject was spoken of by A. Lyman & E. Snow, who also spoke at lenght against all such proceedings & the introduction of other savage Spanish customs also against going to the gold minds, after which W. W. Phelps spoke & moved that those be cut off from the church who were fined as above, which was carried unanimously.
President Young then spoke to the same purpose a short time.
Daniel Spencer was appointed historian of Valley or of this Stake of Zion.

[source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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