Mormon History, Wednesday, June 25th, 1845

[Apostle John Taylor diary] In the morning the council of the Twelve met together and a letter was read of which the following is a copy: The letter was from Bro. William Smith to President Brigham Young: Nauvoo, June 25th, 1845.
President Young:'-- I feel that my life is in danger, news has come to me that certain men are forming a conspiracy to put me out of the way in this city. I am not safe in the hands of the Police that will insult me to my face and draw their canes over my head. I claim protection from your hands, I have moved in all things by your counsel and I am your friend till death, and any man that says to the contrary is a damned lair and God Almighty will damn him; some have turned against me, because I had the audacity to get married. I also took upon me to advise the Hodges to leave Nauvoo and never return, thinking it the best course in regard to them, to this end I volunteered my council to Bro. Tuft who appeared to be taking an active part in getting r
id of these men'--Tuft said he did not care a damn for what I said and further insulted me; he had his council from others and should follow it &c. &c., charging me falsely, I would not bear it, took him by the collar; he drew his cane. I do not believe it is your council to Police to run over me. Since this time this man Tufts is surrounded by groups of men threatening me, and I am not safe Bro. Young, and something must be done. I will not risk my life in the hands of such men, they must either give me satisfaction or quit the Police, for to be murdered in cold blood in my bed, cut to pieces and my friends not to be the wiser for it and no redress; it has been already said, if I did not look wild, I would step out once too many; and this the City Police, what can be done Bro. Young? I know you will approve of the course took in regard to the Hodges when I tell you the right side of the question. I want to feel safe, and if I cannot be protected by the present authorities o
f this city, I must know who will protect me, and who are willing to see me murdered in this City. The deacons that pass my house nightly say in the streets that it is in more harm to raise a cane over an apostle's head and beat him for a crime &c. &c., men came to me last evening and said Bro. Smith your life is in danger, take care of yourself, what shall I do? must I call on friends to protect me, or will you, who look upon as a friend, regulate this matter, the thing must be clipped in the bud.
I will not be watched and guarded by such men, and something is necessary, an action on the subject immediately for protection I will, or die.
Respectfully [Address] President B. Young, Nauvoo. Wm. Smith.
Our mind was that the Policeman was doing his duty, and Bro. Wm.
Smith was in the wrong; and his life was not in jeopardy. The Twelve were very sorry in the midst of the excitement that was around them, at the course William had taken, whilst the desire of our hearts was
to promote peace and union among the saints and to prevent the enemy from taking any advantage; for the accomplishment of this purpose, we appointed a meeting of the Twelve and the Police in the Masonic Hall in the evening and that things might be overruled by the spirit of the Lord, we appointed a meeting of the Quorum of the Priesthood at which however few but the Twelve were present; we there prayed for William that God would overrule every evil principle; that his violent spirit might be curbed by the spirit of God, and that we might be enabled to save him, that he might be an honor to his father's house, and a blessing to the Church; we also prayed for his Mother, Sister, and all his Father's family; we at the same time prayed for Gen. Deming, that inasmuch as he had been our friend; and had rashly shot a man in self defence that things might be overruled for his good; and that his enemies might not be allowed to injure him. We met William together with the Police at t
he time appointed. He was invited by President Brigham Young to speak and make a statement of his feelings.
'He arose and made some explanations in regard to the course he had taken to counsel the Police, to let a Prisoner who was in their custody go, who was one of the brothers of the Hodges condemned for murder, [and who we had every reason to believe was implicated in the same thing.] He furthermore stated he had some altercation with Brother Tufts, one of the Police, who he had heretofore considered as a good brother, and did now; that a scuffle had ensued, wherein he attempted to strike Tufts, in consequence as he said of Tufts rejecting his counsel; that he considered he had a right to counsel him; and wanted to know of the Twelve and the Bishops, whether they would or would not sustain him in that position; for if the people here did not want him, he would go away in to the wilderness or to some more convenient place, where his life and interests would be regarded;
that he would go quietly and let the people here remain in peace; that he was one of the last remnants of the Smith family to whom the priesthood had come; and that if he went away, he would take along with him, his sister, his mother, and the last remains of the family; and that where he and they went, there the priesthood, authority, and the Church would be; he made many other remarks of an unpleasant nature.' 'Elder Young arose and said he did not wish to enter into all the particulars that had been spoken of by Brother William, inasmuch as we had come to settle a case of difficulty between him and police; but he did want to make a remark or two on one or two subjects that had been alluded to by William; he knew as much about the power and authority of the priesthood as William Smith or any other man in the Church. He stated that he did not receive his priesthood from William Smith but from his brother, and he understood the power of that priesthood; neither is this Chur
ch indebted to William Smith for the priesthood; that Joseph had made some expressions about a year ago upon the stand, that they did not know him; there were certain principles connected with the priesthood genealogy, and blood which would be unfolded in their proper time; that Hyrum although he was older than Joseph, had no right to the presidency, neither had Samuel, Don Carlos, William or any of the brothers but Joseph; that had we never received the priesthood until we received it through William Smith, we should have been without it till the day of Judgment. As William Smith says that if he goes away from here and takes his Father's family along, the priesthood and authority would go. I say it will not go the priesthood and authority is in the church and cannot be taken from it without transgression. I have counselled this Church in connection with my brethren, in all the turbulent scenes that have taken place since Joseph's death, and I appeal to all present if the sp
irit of God has not been with us. They all answered 'yes, it has.' I ask if the cause has not increased as rapidly since his death as before, and if there has not been more peace and unity since his death than before. They all answered 'yes.' William Smith had no right to counsel those men to let the Hodges go; they were men acting under the town police, fulfilling the law, having men in their custody, who I believe to be murderers, and who had threatened my life. They came t me asking what they should do. I told them to fulfil the law; and that when the Twelve act as counsel, they act unitedly, and not separately; and I am their mouthpiece.
We could live in peace here before William Smith came; and since he came there has been the devil to pay; he has been throwing out hints all the time, that the presidency belonged to him, producing discord. I have reason to believe, and before we get through with this matter, think I can prove, that he told General Deming that I was th
e instigator of that murder (Hodges) I will not stand such things, nor will I be nosed about by Wm.
Smith; but while he remains one of the counsel like my-self and the rest of the brethren, he shall be subject to that counsel; and I will have an investigation in to these matt
ers; and I will not sustain William Smith in any principle of unrighteousness; neither shall any of these Police be put out of their office on his account for they are good men, and have done their duty.' [p. 76] Brother William arose and seemed to be humbled under the influence of what Brother Brigham had said; he having spoken with great power; and made the following remarks: 'Brother Brigham had misunderstood him; he did not mean that he would take the priesthood away with him; but that he would take his family away; and that he had not said, that he had a right to the presidency;'-- but that he always said that Brother Brigham was the head of the church; and that he did not wish any of the Police to be dismissed, he only wished to know if he would be safe.' Brother Brigham said, if that was all that was wanted it could be soon done.
He did not wish to harrow up any person's feelings; and this investigation would not be necessary. He called upon the Police to know if the
y would stand by brother William, and support him. They all answered, 'yes'. He then called upon Brother William to know if he would support the Police.
He answered, 'yes.'

['The John Taylor Nauvoo journal, January 1845-September 1845,' BYU Studies 23:3 (1983) edited by Dean C. Jessee]
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