Mormon History, Aug 6, 1845

[Nauvoo Neighbor] - Story: "Nauvoo in the Pacific Ocean" -- Editorial -- Describes a Pacific Island called Nauvoo, the Pearl of the Pacific.
- Story: "See, Hear, Weep" - Prophecies of Destruction -- Editorial -- Describes the turbulent times in which the Saints live, and provides an explanation that includes prophesies by Joseph Smith.
- Story: "Gullibility" -- Editorial -- Laments the public's gullibility, in that they believe every lie told about the Church.
- Announcement: Married -- Editorial -- William Ford Jr. married Delana Dulley, performed by Elder William D. Huntington.
- Announcement: Deaths -- W.D. Huntington -- Sarah Dickins (57, Flux), John H. Lamb (8 months, Consumption), Sarah Thomas (61, Diarrhea), Levi Hawks (29, Drowned), Christenia F. Taylor (26, Child Bed Lever), Sidney R. Sanders (6, Diarrhea), Elizabeth Ann Whitney.
- Announcement: "For Sale - By the Trustees of the Church of Jesus Christ--" -- Editorial -- Announces the sale of two horse carriages
owned by the church.
- Announcement: "The Truth" - Rebuttal of Deserting Wife -- Emeline Waterman -- Mrs. Waterman posts the reasons she left her husband, in an attempt to clear her name.


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