Mormon History, Aug 21, 1845, Thursday

[William Clayton Writings] Thursday 21st A.M. at the office recording tithings. P.M. met at Dr Richards with Prest. B. Young, H.C. Kimball, W. Richards, George A. Smith, A. Lyman, K.K. Whitney, Geo. Miller, O. Spencer, Joseph Young, & L. Woodworth, B.F. Johnson, John Pack & A. Miller were also present part of the time. A letter was read from Samuel Waldo of New Hampshire complaining of oppressive conduct and teaching doctrines calculated to break up the branch such as it being no harm for a man to sleep with a woman who was not his wife &c. in Nelson Bates. The council decided that fellowship be withdrawn from Bates & he be called home forthwith to give an account of his conduct. Er W. Richards wrote a notice to the above effect for publication in the next Times & Seasons. He also wrote a letter to O. Pratt informing him of the same. A letter was then read from Samuel V. Searles requesting a license. It was voted to send him one and Er W. Richards accordingly filled it out. T
he subject of the mansion and Masonic Hall again came up and it was decided that B.F. Johnson take the Mansion and Pack the Hall. These brethren then with-drew & the remainder clothed, offered up the signs of the Holy Priesthood and prayer for the usual subjects especially for the sick. There are a great many sick in the north part of town, so many that it is grievous to see their sufferings,

[source: Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.]

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