Mormon History, Mar 6, 1836

-- Mar 6, 1836
Joseph Smith goes to Hebrew teacher Joshua Seixas for private instruction. The next two days the "first class" (of which Joseph is a member) translates, from the Hebrew, chapters 17 and 22 of Genesis, both of which deal with Abraham. (1)

-- Mar 7, 1836
Joseph Smith writes "Spent the day in attending to my studies, At the evening, met with my [Hebrew] class at Professor Seixas' room and translated the 17th chapter of Genesis." (1)

In Professor Seixas' class, Joseph translates Genesis 17. Seixas agrees to teach three more weeks after a vacation of two weeks. (2)

Brigham Young: Publicly "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836, but not again until 1855 (3)

David W Patten: Publicly "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836, but not again (3)

Heber C Kimball: Publicly "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836, but not again (3)

Hyrum Smith: Although Hyrum Smith was an unannounced counselor, Joseph Smith Jr. undoubtedly intended to include his brother when the Kirtland temple congregation "acknowledged" each member of the First Presidency as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836 (3)

John F Boynton: Publicly "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836, but never again (3)

Joseph Smith Jr.: "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" with other members of the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve" 27 Mar. 1836 (3)

Joseph Smith Sr.: Although Joseph Smith Sr. was an unannounced counselor, Joseph Smith Jr. undoubtedly intended to included his father when the Kirtland temple congregation "acknowledged" each member of the First Presidency as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836 (3)

Luke S Johnson: Publicly "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836, but not again (3)

Lyman E Johnson: Publicly "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836, but never again (3)

Lyman Wight: Publicly "acknowledged" as a "Prophet and Seer" 27 Mar. 1836, but not again (3)

1 - On This Day in Mormon History,
2 - Kenny, Scott, "Mormon History 1830-1844,"
3 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47

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