Welcome to Mormon-Church-History

Mormon Church History is a tour through church history, covering a little bit each day through the the history of the church. About a dozen chronological entries are posted daily, gradually covering the entire history of the Mormon church (started Jan 1, 2009 with archives available). This should appeal to those interested in a detailed look at Mormon history, or as a searchable church history reference.

The entries presented on this site come from a database of church history, compiled from over one hundred sources including chronologies, diaries, journals, minutes, studies and more. Sources were included that could be tied to a specific date, and had information that could contribute to a more complete understanding of Mormon history. For questions about this site, drop an email at this address.

Subscriptions to daily posts are available via blog, rss, email, Facebook and Twitter.

For topical explorations in Mormon history such as "Word of Wisdom," "Tithing" or "Dreams" try LDS Church History; or try Today-in-Church-History for three randomly selected items each day.


  1. It appears that you stopped posting in 2014, why?

  2. Hi Perry -- I may start this up again at some time with adjusted content and format.
