Mormon History, May 31, 1847. Monday.

[William Clayton Journal] The morning fine but cool. I feel quite unwell yet, and have been sick all night. At a quarter past 8 we proceeded onward, found good level traveling, the day cool and pleasant. We soon struck a wagon trail which evidently leads direct to Fort Laramie . . .
A while after we camped, Presidents Young and Kimball went to the bluffs and again saw the Black hills in the distance. They bowed before the Lord and offered up their prayers together.
The month of May has passed over, and we have been permitted to proceed so far on our journey, being 531 1/4 miles from our families in Winter Quarters, the Camp generally enjoying good health and in good spirits; and although some things have passed which have merited chastisement we have the privilege at the closing of the month of seeing a better feeling, a more noble spirit, and a more general desire to do right than we have before witnessed.
I feel to humble myself and give God thanks for his continued mercies to me and my brethren and may His spirit fill our hearts, and may his angels administer comfort, health, peace and prosperity to all our families and all the saints henceforth and forever. Amen.

[source: George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,]

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