Mormon History, Jun 2, 1847

Letter to the Saints at Pueblo, Colorado-- See notes under date of February 26, 1847. Under date of June 2nd, at Laramie, President Brigham Young wrote a letter to the Saints at Pueblo (Colorado), the Mississippi Company, and the Battalion members who had wintered there. He asked them to follow the pioneers, and
". . . If experience has not already taught you, we would say, keep a sharp lookout for buffalo, Indian and bears, all of which may be met and endanger the life and liberty of men, women and children, beasts and property. Be wise, and watch as well as pray continually, and having done all you possibly can, and exercised all the skill, wisdom and prudence and care and strength that you possess, should you be overtaken with accidents or losses of any kind, take the spoil thereof patiently and cheerfully, and murmur not for Christ's sake. Let the unity of the Spirit and brotherly love abide in every heart, be made manifest in every action and reciprocated by every word, and our blessings, and the blessings of our Heavenly Father shall abide with you continually and you shall prosper." {1847-June 2-BY-Nibley, pp. 93-94}

[source: Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]

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