Mormon History, Monday, Apr 20, 1846.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Pleasant Point Encampment. Weather fair and pleasant. At 10 forenoon, council assembled at the stand according to previous appointment. President Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, P. P. Pratt, O. Pratt, John Taylor, Willard Richards, and others, to the amount of 48 in all. A contract for building a large block house called for help by John W. Binley was read. Council decided that this job be taken and help sent on. Several letters from Nauvoo were read and sketches from the Hancock Eagle. The means for an outfit, the first and second reported. A general whispering and talking and the disturbance in the council caused President Young to move that any persons or person who shall hereafter interrupt the council while in session by talking, whispering, or doing business of any private nature, shall be deprived of the privilege of council hereafter until the council sees fit to admit them back again and their names recorded accordingly. Seconded and carried unanimously.
President Young said, "Since the arrival of the last mail, I have been teased continually by men who were saying, 'Can't I go back to Nauvoo for my family?' Let your families be. What can you do at Nauvoo now? Nothing, only eat up what little your families have, and if your wife has but one cow you will eat l/2 of the milk at least. Keep away and let your families alone, they will do better without you than they will do with you, and go and do what I command you, and open a farm and raise something to feed them when they arrive. I have almost been prompted to curse the man that will not hearken to counsel, but will be teasing and begging all the while to go back before they have accomplished the object for which they started, which was to help the Saints to a resting place." Meeting adjourned. Council repaired to headquarters. Bishops Whitney and Miller, William Clayton and J. D. Lee [Young] took a schedule of the teams and wagons on hand furnished by the brethren at Nauvoo for the benefit of the Church and disposed of them by supplying the [?], etc.
At l/2 past 3 p.m., council met at Brother Markham's. President Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, John Taylor, O. Pratt, and Willard Richards, the bishops and 6 others. About two hours were spent in reading letters and conversation upon the general policy of the camp. About 6, J. D. Lee [Young] left headquarters and went about 7 miles on the prairie where his family had went this afternoon, and encamped. About 10, Councilor Richards proposed to President Young that the camp remove to the spot where the farm should be located before grading commissioners take their mission. Captain raised an objection on account of the scarcity of provisions in camp, which the President overruled and decided to move on the next morning.

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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