Mormon History, Tuesday, Apr 21, 1846.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Pleasant Point Encampment. First, sixth and some other companies left Pleasant Point traveling west of north distance of 9 miles to Camp Creek. Began to form our encampment on the south side of the creek in a beautiful field of dry grass, fine for bedding, when the fire caught near the magazine, but by the most active and energetic exertion the flame was soon subdued. The camp then built a bridge and moved their quarters on the other side of the creek. The President was foremost in extinguishing the flames, done by whipping and watering. President Young rode out to look a route for the next day, returned at night. About sunset, Captain StoutÂ's wife was delivered of son. Two bears were brought into camp by the first and sixth. Occasional showers through this day.

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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