Letter written to Lucy Mack Smith-- B. H. Roberts in his Introduction to volume 7 of the DHC makes reference to the Quorum of the Twelve and ". . . Their uniform kindness and care for the Mother of the Prophet. (DHC 7:xxvi) This letter written to "Mrs. Lucy Smith, Beloved mother in Israel" is evidence of that interest and concern for her. Although they confess that they did not at that time know where mother Smith was located or what her situation was, they state that "we could no take our leave without addressing a line to mother Smith, to let her know that her children in the Gospel have not forgotten her." For additional background see CHC 2:538-539.
A LETTER Written to the Mother of Joseph and Hyrum Smith Camp of Israel, Winter Quarters, April 4, 1847. Mrs. Lucy Smith, Beloved mother in Israel. Our thoughts, our feelings, our desires and our prayers to our Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, are often drawn out in your behalf, and we can truly say, unceasingly; for we can never forget our beloved brother Joseph, either in this world or in the world to come, for the Lord raised him up to do a great work in these last days; and we in common with other Saints have been made partakers of the blessings that flow unto the faithful, through obedience to the revelations and councils which have come through him for the salvation of Israel. He, with his brother Hyrum, have sealed their testimony with their blood, and while we strive to emulate their virtues, we are constantly reminded of their aged mother, whom we feel free to call our mother, knowing the many privations, hardships, toils, fatigues, weariness, which she has been called to endure, in connection with her beloved Joseph and other children in establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth.
For a long time we have not known where you are, or what was your situation, neither do we now know, but from some recent intimations we are led to suspect you are in or about Nauvoo, so that possibly this communication may reach you, and as we are speedily to depart from this place, with other pioneers, and go westward over the mountains, as we shall be led by the spirit of the Lord, to find a location for a stake of Zion, we felt that we could not take our leave without addressing a line to mother Smith, to let her know that her children in the Gospel have not forgotten her.
Your memory, and that of your dear husband, our Father in Israel, is sweet unto us, and ever will be, and that of all your household, whom the Lord has given unto you, for He has given you a family to increase without number, which shall continue, worlds without end.
The household of faith, to which we refer, is now almost without number; they are scattered abroad upon the four quarters of the earth and upon the islands of the sea, and are calling upon us night and day, saying, "Where shall we gather to?" and thy son, even thy very son Joseph, while in the bloom of youth and the full vigor of manhood, commanded us thy children, the unworthy servants of the Most High, to instruct, to teach, to lead, to guide, to counsel, to direct those who had received and who should receive those things, his master, the Lord Jesus Christ, had given unto him, in all righteousness and faithfulness, and this we have endeavored to do according to the best of our ability, and this we are determined to continue to do, and for this end we leave wife and children, and everything dear as life, and are now just ready to depart to find the place which our Father shall point out to us for a stake of Zion, where the children of the Kingdom may resort to, and build their own houses and inhabit them, plant their own gardens and vineyards and enjoy the fruit thereof, and build a house unto the Most High, where those ordinances can be administered without molestation, detraction or distraction, that shall bring back again the children of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Joseph and Lucy, into the presence of the Most High God, even the places that they were destined for, from before the foundation of the world.
Mother Smith, we know not your particular situation, only as far as God makes it manifest unto us, but be assured of this, that our faith and prayers have been and are and will be, for your welfare; we will rejoice in your prosperity as we have hitherto done, so we will continue to bless you, by all the earthly means in our power. Your children, the children of the Kingdom, are poor in this world's goods, like ourselves; our Prophet and Patriarch have been martyred, and the children have been driven and scattered, and we have spent our substance to keep them from starvation and destruction, and we are now striving to open up the way for the gathering together of the flock, even according to the good will of the great Shepherd.
There are now thousands, and thousands upon thousands, who are looking to us continually to open up a way for a shelter from the storm, which is about to burst on a world of intelligent beings, who have almost forgotten their God and their Savior, and our time is occupied and our hands are full, but like our Divine Master, we have a fullness, and yet in His name, and by His authority, and by His power, and by His wisdom, we are ready and we are willing to receive all who wish to come; and if our dear Mother Smith should at any time wish to come where the Saints are located, and she will make it manifest to us, there is no sacrifice we will count to great to bring her forward, and we ever have been, now are and shall continue to be, ready to divide with her the last loaf; and if she chooses not to be with us, and we could know where she is, we would gladly administer to her wants, to the fullest extent that our Heavenly Father would give unto us.
The Lord is blessing his people and will continue to bless them according to their faithfulness and diligence in His service, and we feel to rejoice continually, in view of the rich blessings of our Redeemer's Kingdom, and say, peace be to Mother Smith, may her last days be her best days, may her heart be satisfied, may she be upheld in all her trials, may all her wants be supplied, and go home like a shock of corn fully ripe, in its season, at the appointed time, and may the choicest blessings of Heaven and earth abide with you forever, is the prayer of your beloved children, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. For the Council of the Twelve Apostles, BRIGHAM YOUNG, President; WILLARD RICHARDS, Clerk. {1847-April 4-RCH 2:194-196; also Journal History, April 4, 1847}
[source: Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]
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