Mormon History, Friday, Apr 2, 1847.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Bright, pleasant morning, light wind northwest. About half past 10 Dr. [Richards] came in office. The water in the Missouri has risen about two feet. Grass is springing, cottonwood trees budding. The brethren continued to remove the houses into line. About 11, W. Woodruff called and read papers. Alexander Boss brought a mail of three letters. Dr. [Richards] busy preparing for the pioneer journey, packing up papers and books for history.
[At] 8 p.m., Presidents Young, Richards, Benson, Kimball, Woodruff, Smith, and G. Miller, N. K. Whitney, O. Pratt, Levi Richards, T. B. [Thomas Bullock], H. Stout read a letter from Joe Herring. At quarter to 9, G. Miller then talked, said if we go and find a location in the Great Basin it will take a number of years to sustain the Saints. We would have to locate on the Mexican or U. S. Territories and we should have to take part in the war, one side or the other. There might be a practicability of sending a minister to Mexico and negotiate in behalf of the Church for a portion of her territory, and shew them that we were driven from the U.S. G. M. [George Miller] has no doubt that they would cede to us a portion of territory near the Neuces. Then send ministers to England and France and open treaties with them. It haunts me like a specter the thoughts of this people. The country I speak of is east of the Neuces and between the Rio Grande.
O. Pratt: If we who are now in Winter Quarters were in the Great Basin, Mexico could not carry on a war with us. B.Y. [Young]: When this camp is out of this place, more will come than are now here. We shall be rolling into the Great Basin all the time, and we can secure ourselves in a very short time against the U. S. G. M. [George Miller]: You will have grass to sustain yourselves in 15 days. Hosea Stout then stated the decision of the high council in case of Rodney Badger stealing a horse. Council dismissed at 25 minutes past 10.

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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