Mormon History, Tuesday, Mar 9, 1847.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] North wind, sharp frost, ground covered with snow. Dr. [Richards] arose about 9, was in office writing a letter to Sisters Allen and Rosecrans, copied and obtained the PresidentÂ's signature. A little after 10, Presidents Young, W. Richards, W. Woodruff, G. A. Smith, A. Lyman assembled in the Dr.Â's office, also Brother Gardner and two others, and talked over the building of the Mill Dam. At 11, President H. C. Kimball joined his quorum. Afterwards, O. Pratt, and E. T. Benson, and N. K. Whitney came in the office to converse. At 12, Andrew L. Lamoreaux and Alexander McRae brought in a mail of 18 letters from Nauvoo, etc.
About 1, Joseph Young, Lorenzo Young, B. Clapp called. Papers were read from Voree [Vorhee], showing that faction divided into three parts. Confirmed the reports of the persecution of the Saints about Farmington. The mob hung William H. Fulsome. His friends had much difficulty to bring to. They also hung young Rodney Swazey by the heels about 5 minutes, and then liberated him (about 7 February, Sunday). They also hung six others. Also conversed about the mob and Battle of Nauvoo.
After Galland had attached Nauvoo Temple and all Church property for $20,000, he could get no bail. It fell through. Then Scott attached same for some old claims on Kirtland. [There was] about, or not one-third, of the brick houses occupied. All log houses and fences burnt up. One garden planted. JosephÂ's old store, a man lives in it. Emma gone to Fulton City. Peck owns the distillery, doing good business. The streets all going to ruin. Left 14 February, 1847. About nine stores on Main Street and Mulholland Street. Principally Methodists there now. Seventies Hall is now a school. John McKain is in charge of the Temple, showing it to visitors. Nothing doing in Masonic Hall. [There are] six taverns. Very few Saints living in Nauvoo.
General Brockman says the Mormons may stay, but Jack Mormons must go. McRae was taken prisoner about [a] quarter mile west of Montrose about 4 p.m. on January 8, [1847], and taken to Madison jail on [January] 12th. He had to plead with Sheriff Miller to take him into the prison. He could not have any liberty until he could get to Madison jail. There, Brother Lamoreaux got a writ of habeas corpus to take him to Burlington. He was told he should be fastened with irons. He walked half a mile for his meals three times a day. After he got out of the penitentiary, they took me in Lee County. Tried him in Van Buren County. Remanded him to Lee County (no man having the appearance of a married man can pass through Massac County). In Burlington they manifested much friendship to me, and was discharged on the 18th.
The office full all morning conversing on various subjects. About 2, the Twelve dined with the Dr. Council met again when they resolved into a committee of the whole. President asked for questions that they might wish they had left: First, shall the companies left unite in raising crops, or everyone for himself. Shall the Saints go without an outfit, or what is an outfit. Shall we take all the widows, or only women whose husbands are ahead. Shall one-tenth of the crops in this region be given into the bishops for the poor. Shall a record be kept how every man occupies his time, or shall lazy, idle persons share in the fruits of the labor. What plan will be most beneficial to preserve crops and other property from Omaha aggressions. What shall be done about a printing press to print the school books. May not every family have a garden of their own, independent of public fields?
W. W. Phelps came in. Voree [Vorhee] Herald was again read. Emigration to the mountains was talked over, etc., and council adjourned about 5 until tomorrow evening, candle light. Dr. [Richards] went out at dusk.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal]
[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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