Mormon History, Apr 14, 1848

2 P.M. Council met in [the] Recorders office. [Brigham] Young, [Heber C.] Kimball, [Willard] Richards, [Orson] Pratt, [Wilford] Woodruff, [George A.] Smith'-I[saac] Morley, W[illiam]. W. Phelps, J[ames]. Whitehead'- L[ewis]. Robins'-T[homas]. B[ullock].'-R[eynolds]. C[ahoon]. O. Pratt read [a] report of John Miller, Indian Agent of 10 Sept[ember] 1847.'-/Ex.: Doc:/ 213 (No. 11. page 857'-860) B. Y.[:] We are met ab[ou]t. the P[rinting]. Presses.'-[W]ho owns them[?] W. W. P.[:] I suppose the Ch[urch] owns them. B. Y.[:] I have seen a bre which states I have got a small press for the 12.'-[I]f I dont control every P[rinting]. Press that goes to the mountain, [then] I tell you plain I am on to it.'-[T]hat Printing Press belongs to the First Presidency.'- W. W. P.[:] I got it as I thot. for the 12. I wo[ul]d. not give a snap of my finger for it. H. C. K.[: A]ll those things ought to be controlled by the Ch[urch]'-if they are not you will see a fuddle.'- W. W. P.[:] I calculate to go on. [T]he whole stuff weighs ab[ou]t. 2500 [pounds].'-[W]e want a 1/2 barrel of molasses for rollers.'- H. C. K. I motion G. A. S.[:] What wo[ul]d. you think of Bishop Knight [to] be a kind of superintending Bishop over the o[the]r. Bishops[?] H. C. K. sec[onde]d, the motion. W. Richards[:] I third it. [The vote was] carried.'- H. C. K. 'I motion that bro Lewis Robbins go a Mission.' [The motion was] sec[onde]d. [and c]arried.'- O. Pratt presented the nautical almanacs of 47.49.50 Sextant & Artificial Horizon.'-[He] gave Keys to B. Y. 48 is in the Valley. [I]t was agreed that bro Lewis sho[ul]d. go with bro. Whitehead on his mission.'- John Miller sent up ano[the]r. begging letter for the Indians. B. Y.[:] Well, Gent[lemen]., I will give them some. [W]hen we are gone I will warrant you the Omahas will look after us with a longing eye, & wish us back.'-[T]he Mormons do more for the Indians in one year'-than the U. S, all their lives.'-

[Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[source: Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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