Mormon History, Mar 3, 1849

[Hosea Stout Diary] Saturday March 3rd 1849. Cold Cloudy morning which soon commenced to snow with a North Wind which continued to fall at intervals all day. We took an earley breakfast & travelled on to the Utah Valley. But before we started we were divided into two Companies the first under my own & the second under Alexr Williams command the better to divide and scoure the country as we did not know where the Indians were located.
After we came into the Utah Valley the company under Williams was sent to reconortre the country up the Jordin & so on to the Lake while the company under me was sent directly South through the Valley to Dry Creek & thence down that creek searching in the thick brush along it, while the Col with some six men travelled between the two companies the better to be prepared to give directions if necessary.
We travelled thus untill we all met some two miles from the Utah Lake on Dry Creek and finding nothing of the Indians we travelled on S. E. over a level prairie which was quite boggy untill we came to American Creek and travelling up it some three miles encamped for the night. We were now all very tired and cold. No sign could yet be found of the Indians.

[source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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