Mormon History, May 23, 1847

[Brigham Young Sermon] A good many times I would like to preach to the brethren, but have not had much opportunity. The Elders of Israel have go to learn many things. The trials and tribulations that man is called pass through is to give a man a positive knowledge that a man going from corruption to incorruption will be by knowledge, light and righteousness and gets the attributes of the Almighty is the only way to go. For our dead principles of Christianity, and the idea of being wafted in that state into the midst of burnings is all nonsense, but a man may learn knowledge very fast, but if his mind is not accurate and his judgment incorrect he will grow but slowly, in comparison to a man that lays hold at once, never lets go, but is ready for more. It must needs be that offences must come, but wo be to the gentiles who martyred the prophets, and if there is not devils enough without going to hell in the United States for them. I say o to the tabernacles that carry the devils I say. A steady mind is always in reflection although you may not hear their voice only to their teams or during cooking. I realize there is faith in this camp, there is a good spirit. I have never seen men [-] pass along with so little difference of feelings as in this comp, this is good. Our principles and transactions will result on our own heads. When the heavens and earth pass away, when this earth is like a sea of glass, and the very particles of land now in our view is nothing, to the worlds that will be created. We shall then be plucking the fruit, the results of this camp. Do you know it? Our very [-] have been forming us for exaltation, either to smite into the lowest state of degradation or for exaltation. Every mind whosoever nourish or cherish the faith, it grows and brings forth fruit unto salvation of him that nourishes it, but if you don't nourish it, where is the man profited in nothing, but it serves to condemn him. Many of these my brethren have been with me from the commencement, and yet this very mission will soon be considered as one of the first acts of the church, the principles that have come to us from Joseph. And very easily circumscribed. Suppose Joseph was here, and you take the whole knowledge in this camp of [-] things, Joseph would circumscribe and wound it round his finger. What knowledge had Joseph in comparison to one of the angels that have been myriads of years with God. I feel my weakness, my littleness and I trust in the Almighty. I shall yet become a man. From the commencement I have taken every thing to myself, and things that hundreds would trample on as little things, I pick them up and put them in my pocket. I have often though when I have been in council with the elders and Joseph has been leading out some little items, they have said that's nothing, throw out some great things. It puts me in mind of the [-] who had heard that they could pick up money in America. When they [-] one of them did happen to find a dollar. The others said Oh Jeremy throw it down again [-], until we get to a bigger heap. It is needles to say they found no more. I want to save the dollar? When I find it. If god had rejected every little handful that now brought to create this world, where would this great earth have been now. There is not wisdom enough in this camp to make one of these little ants, or a little pebble stones. We can prevent staying, but have not yet [-] to create. I would rather the brethren would stay in camp than go out strolling. I climbed about the rocks, the quicker the dens of snakes are killed, the quicker our cattle will not be bit. I am perfectly satisfied with this camp, and with my brethren the Twelve, and if any thing was going wrong, I should soon learn it. We have done all we can, we will get there as soon as we can, and if God will not let us plant I am perfectly satisfied. If I could have had my will, I would have sent Brother Joseph, but through the persuasion of others he was dragged to Carthage. If the brethren had not gone into the army, we should not have been here today. If the brethren had done as they were told, two hundred men would have been here this time last year and [-] Allen would have reported to Gov. That the Mormons were gone over the mountains to California. I never want to be under the necessity of combating any man. I would rather a man would stay away, or love one another. Feed the hungry. I want to see the city of faith, peach, a city of man and women who will be always going good. I don't want to hear another complaint. The weapons of death are not congenial to my feelings, but his much, if a devil gets into a tabernacle, and wants to slay me, I will dispossess that spirit of its body, before it gets a lick at me. If the wicked want to come to us, they will have to walk as far as us. I pray you to be humble, honor the lord. Assist each other, carry out this mission with integrity, be honest, this people cannot receive the oracles of God until there is a place built. I mean in regard to principles, endowments etc. Your hearts will be satisfied. We did finish the temple, built the font. I said that enough, all's right. I pray you to be faithful, be kind, remember the Lord in all things, in an special manner. Are we not the servants of the Lord? When the Lord has servants he will cuff them himself, it was because the cursed mob was full of the devil that we were driven out of Missouri. I is an insult to me to say we were driven for our wickedness. There are principles that will be taught you hereafter. Every thing will be made plain, there is nothing in the gospel that should be kept from the righteous or any honorable man. Every righteous man has a right to have the things committed to him pertaining to the gospel. I never felt clearer in my mind than on this journey. My peace is like a river, between my God and myself. I have not yet known one man in this camp to disobey my council, only, say the work and it is done. All the wisdom that is give to me I shall give to my brethren. I shall do the very best I can, until I die whether it be sooner or later. -- Ancient Bluff, Nebraska [Thomas Bullock Minutes, LJA; Thomas Bullock—LDS Church Reporter, 1844-56.C, Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah.; GCM, Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah..; General Church Minutes. Selected Collections from the Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints DVD 1 (2002)]

[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009)]

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