Mormon History, Jun 12, 1845

-- Jun 12, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of Robert Gardner given by William Smith on June 12, 1845

June 12th 1845 The Patriarchal blessing of Robert Gardner son of Robert and Margaret Gardener born in Glasgow Scotland October 1819.

Beloved brother Gardner. I lay my hands upon your head to confer upon you a father[']s blessing and a blessing that is purely Patriarchal and one that shall prove a source of joy to thee in the times of sickness sorrow trouble and distress, thy past life up to this present time has been a life of sorrow and of much trouble yet thine aspirations after knowledge and the glory of God has brought thee to this land and thy Spirit has been refreshed and with new courage thou wilt return to the land of thy friends and the testimony thou shalt bear for Zion and its sons will make the hearts of many rejoice thou shalt be blessed on thy journey homeward and in all the labours of thine hands and especially in bearing testimony to the truths of Mormonism that have been revealed through the Prophet of the last days

and in whatsoever thou shalt put thine hands to do thou shalt prosper when thy heart is right before the Lord and when the Commandments of God are duly considered by thee wisdom shall be given unto thee to unfold mysteries and dark passages of Scripture in a manner that shall prove astonishing to thyself by the help of the Spirit of God which is the Spirit of Revelation, thou hast been appointed unto an holy calling even the Priesthood of Melchisedek to administer in Sacraments as he was called and ordained of old the blessings of Jacob and his twelve sons are upon thine head, and after many days thou shalt return to this place again and behold the temple of God when it is finished and view all of its apartments in this thou shalt behold a fulfilment of the promises made by ancient Israel for thou art one of the chosen seed of promise and thou shalt receive an exaltation to a greater glory than thine heart now anticipates for the power and blessing of the Holy Priesthood is
upon thee and shall be truly manifested as it was in the days of Prophets

the blood of Ephraim runs in thy veins and thou art a descendent of Abraham thy name shall be perpetuated to many generations thy days shall be long in the land yet thou wilt see some more days of trouble for thine enemies will conspire against thee because of the message thou shalt bear to them, and in this time of trouble thou shalt find a friend that is true and faithful and by the prayer of thy faithful companion who is thy bosom friend and one who will prove true unto thee unto death thou wilt be delivered and great shall be thy deliverance, when gloomy clouds arise and thy Spirit becomes drooping the visions of heaven by night shall relieve all thy doubts and fears and thy dreams shall trouble thee much in times when thou art in the greatest dangers and it shall be said of thee thou art a dreamer and a Visionary man because of thy faith in those things and in spite of all thine enemies thou Shalt have influence over thy father[']s house and to rule thine own family wel
l and if thou art faithful no power in heaven on earth or under the earth, or even in the regions of the damned shall wrest thy crown from thee or deprive thee of thy Salvation and thy Salvation and the Society of thine own relations and family in the kingdom of God thy posterity shall become numerous and be gathered with thee to Zion and jointly with thee have an everlasting inheritance which is eternal and immortal all of this blessing of which I have spoken I seal upon thine head by the authority of the Holy Priesthood in the name of Jesus Christ Even so Amen

Conferred by William Smith Patriarch (1)

-- Jun 12, 1845, Thursday
[William Clayton Writings] Thursday 12th. ... At 4 o clock met at Dr Richards with Prest. B. Young, H.C. Kimball, W. Richards, G. A. Smith, A. Lyman, O. Pratt, N.K. Whitney, G. Miller, and Levi Richards. We had a very interesting time and separated about half past 8 o clock. (2)

-- Thursday, June 12th, 1845
[Apostle John Taylor diary] This day was appointed for a fast day. I had went with some others security for the payment of damage sustained by the Expositor; and to avoid being entangled in the law at the present time, I had to hide up and not be present at the fast meeting; they having acted dishonorably I thought it best to let it lie over, for some other Court, where we would have justice done us. (3)

-- Friday, June 13th, 1845
[Apostle John Taylor diary] In afternoon at a meeting of Coach and Carriage Making Association, at the Seventies Hall, to regulate some difficulties that existed, they having had some disagreement; two men of the names of Burr Frost and David De Vol having manifested a wrong spirit, and stirred up the others into commotion. I reprimanded them on their folly, and told them such things were not worthy of men's notice; that men who were aimed at eternal glory and expected to be kings and priests unto the most High God, and to possess principalities and powers, thrones and dominions, ought not to condescend to such trifles; that it was worse than child's play; and they of all others ought to possess more exalted feelings; and as they had the priesthood, ought to honor the priesthood; that there was order in the Kingdom of God, and that also in the temporal things, as well as spiritual; that they had a President who stood in high standing in the Church, and who was every way com
petent to teach them; and if they would only listen to his teaching, there would be no difficulty and all things would go on well.'--Before meeting was dismissed, I left with Mrs. Taylor to go to Bro. Fullmer's on the prairie, we staid all night there, we had quite a pleasant time. (3)

1 - Patriarchal Blessings
2 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
3 - 'The John Taylor Nauvoo journal, January 1845-September 1845,' BYU Studies 23:3 (1983) edited by Dean C. Jessee

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