Mormon History, Oct 3, 1847

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 3d Sunday I left camp as daylight was Appearing in company with Luke Johnson for the purpose of Getting some meat. The wolves that had rent the air through the night with their Howls was dispersing in all directions as we passed along mounted upon our Horses. They were evry size & couler of their race. The beautiful swan in flocks were floating upon the Platt which Aded beauty to the seenery.
We soon saw a large Herd of Buffalo about 6 miles from camp & 2 from the road. We left our Horses & stole upon them the best we could. Their Picket guards were frighted several times. We managed to quell there fears. Their is no well disiplined Army of men that are more particular to have An old experienced guard on a closs look out than A Herd of Buffalo.
By going under A bank we passed there guards & lay conceled untill we were surrounded & the main bodies of them were coming onto us with A Heavy filanxs of Bulls meeting us in the face with Hundreds of cows following in the rear. When they approached within 2 or 3 rods of us we thought it quite time to be up & doing even for our own safety. I had a single load in my rifle & A Brace of Pistols. Br Johnson had a slide of 6 loads in his rifle. We rose. He fired twice. I reserved my fire untill He had discharged his two balls. The whole body broke & run from us. He had killed none.
I fired At a Young cow. Put A Ball through her sholdier But she hobbled over A ridge. Johnson mounted A Horse & followed A little distance after them. I walked over the ridge & shot my wounded Cow through the Hart strings & lungs & she droped dead which was the ownly one we got out of the Herd.
We travled A few miles further & Br A Lyman killed two more & An Antilope all of which was brought into Camp & distributed. Large Herds Came near our Camp in the evening. Distance of the day 9 m.

[source: Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,]

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