Mormon History, 1846

(Bill Hickman) According to Hickman, a half-breed Indian Church member had a falling-out with Brigham Young in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and threatened to lead Indian attacks against the Mormons.
Brigham Young "sent me word to look out for him. I found him, used him up, scalped him, and took his scalp to Brigham Young, saying: 'Here is the scalp of the man who was going to have a war-dance over your scalp; you may now have one over his, if you wish.' He took it and thanked me very much. He said in all probability I had saved his life, and that some day he would make me a great man in the kingdom."
A short time later, Hickman said, he was "called upon to go for a notorious horse-thief, who had sworn to take the life of Orson Hyde. I socked him away, and made my report, which was very satisfactory. Hyde was well pleased, and said he knew I had saved his life."

[Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons,]
[source: Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons,]

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