Mormon History, Friday, Aug 21, 1846.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] CutlerÂ's Park. Between 12 and 2 a.m., Dr. Richards made up a mail of 45 letters for the Mormon Battalion and was called up about 8 a.m. to close the Fort Leavenworth mail of 60 letters. President Young called and signed a letter of counsel to J. Hunt, etc. (on file). Mail delivered to Brother Griffin who went to the ferry with Father Morley, Brothers Hale and Richards, who started on return about 9 a.m. At 11, Dr. Richards called on Colonel Kane, found him better, conversed with him about hiring the Indians, etc., and writing to the President. He concurred and desired to be present, and present the subject to the President.
Went to Bishop WhitneyÂ's tent, found President Young at rest on the carpet. Dined with Brother Kimball, after which Henry G. Sherwood came on return from Farmington with his family, and [at] about 3 returned home with President Young and the doctor. Pleasant but cool. [At] 3, visited Sister Dykes and a sick brother, p.m. [in the afternoon], with President. About 4, rode to C. P. LottÂ's. Postmaster was engaged in regulating the post office, etc. Ten letters for Council Point, 10 Pawnee, 20 [the] States, 90 unknown, total 130. [At] quarter to 9, President Young, O. Pratt, W. Woodruff, George A. Smith came into the post office and read a letter from C. C. Rich, 17th instant, giving an account of the death of Samuel Bent at Garden Grove and the sickness of William Huntington. Mr. Gray, a missionary, brought the letter. President Young supped at C. P. LottÂ's.
Council wrote to the high and municipal council, respecting them to take such measures as wisdom directs to prevent the too frequent repetition of evening parties and dances, injurious to health and the quietness of the sick, and that they give notice next Sabbath. Examined the list and found the brethren, ie., individuals in the Mormon Battalion, had sent $15 to President Young and $33 to H. C. Kimball, $15 to G. A. Smith, $50 to Amasa Lyman, and to the Council of the Twelve, poor, etc., $420. Total $533. Adjourned at 10. Cool evening.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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