Mormon History, Wednesday, Feb 10, 1847.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Winter Quarters. Cold, northwest wind. Dr. [Richards] rose about 10, went to Bishop Edward HunterÂ's house to borrow 20 dollars, and Bishop Hunter said he would give $ 15.00. Says he, Â"as I know you have a hard time and are laboring for the Church, I donÂ't want you to return it,Â" and lent Dr. Richards $5.00 more to be returned 1st March. The Dr. blessed him and said the $15 should be restored fourfold on his head when he needed it. Dr. returned home with Amasa Lyman about 12, called on Elder Woodruff. Paid Elder Young, at his home, 4 dollars borrowed the evening before. Paid Brother Grover $15. About 3 p.m., Brother George A. Smith came in and soon after W. Woodruff and B. Young, General C. C. Rich and Father Eldridge [came also].
Elder Rich said that Elder Davis sea1ed John Hughes to Miss Campbell, and Brother Rich cut Hughes and Miss Campbell from the Church and took DavisÂ' license, but did not cut him off. President Young moved that Hughes and Campbell be baptized and married if General Rich thought best. About 4 1/2 [4:30], adjourned.
President Young went to supper, when Ebenezer C. Richardson, George Peacock, and D. Shockly [came] direct from Rush Valley with letters from Joseph V. Hamilton, Ft. Vermillion, January 14, 1847, and from A. A. Lathrop and John Lowry, Rush Bottoms, February 6, 1847. Richardson stated that the Sioux, with Eagle at their head, had killed about 30 head of cattle and stolen four horses. Eagle made a feast and collected four horses and forwarded them to the brethren for the four stolen, and afterwards stole them back again.
About 6, the council met again at the office, except Elder [Wilford] Woodruff, [and] also L. Richards, C. C. Rich, and Jedediah M. Grant, who reported his visit to Ft. Leavenworth. That Meeks said he did not like Brigham Young because he abused General Harvey, superintendent of Indian Affairs. Council went to bishopÂ's picnic, [which] commenced about 10 a.m. About 8, Dr. [Richards] returned home sick and went to bed about 9, and the picnic continued till about 11.

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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