Mormon History, Friday, Feb 19, 1847.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Snow on the ground frozen over and keen wind from the north. Presidency, captains, and members of Edward HunterÂ's hundred, met in the council house at 8 a.m. Voted that 44 families go to the mountains and the captains to select who they should be and make [a] report next Monday at 8 a.m. Adjourned at 1. Copied a letter to Colonel Kane of Philadelphia, also a letter to Brother J. A. Stratton, St. Louis, also a letter to Ferrymore Little, St. Louis. Dr. [Richards] came in office between 11 and 12, also E. T. Benson and Erastus Snow. E. T. Benson wrote a letter. At 1, C. P. Lott and H. Stout called. President B. Young considerably better today. He went into the "long house" (next [to] his) with H. C. Kimball. Gave instructions for half [a] dozen copies of Mitchell's New Map of Mexico, Oregon, and California, or half [a] dozen of the latest and best maps of the Indian counties, which was added as P. S. [a postscript] to Brother StrattonÂ's letter. Made up a mail of 35 letters for the U S. Post Office, also five letters for St. Louis.
In consequence of the detention or miscarriage of the government permission for the Saints to live on the Omaha lands, Dr. [Richards] wrote instructions to Levi Stewart to call on Major Harvey, Indian Agent [in] St. Louis for same, making copy of said letter, also a letter to Major Harvey in St. Louis. Made up a mail of eight letters to send to Mt. Pisgah by Thomas Woolsey. Dr. wrote Colonel Kane that Levi Stewart, our agent, would visit Major Harvey and report to him.
About 6, William Kay gave Dr. Richards and family, etc., a scapper.[?] [At] 7:30, Dr., E.T. Benson, G. A. Smith, and H. C. Kimball came into President YoungÂ's room. General Young had issued his order to Colonel Scott to put the cannon in or die. Colonel Rockwood. Brother Hathaway was present and President Young addressed Brother Hathaway. Said he understood that Brother Hathaway wanted to get what money he could and go to Cincinnati and purchase and run in debt for all he could and come on to camp. My feelings are repugnant to such a course. I counsel all men to be honest and pay what they owe, and I donÂ't want a man to go with us on any other principle. We will not countenance any dishonest act. We donÂ't want any rascally men to come here. We control this place, want to be treated well and want to have all men treated well. I could wish the man who got your pistols had the contents of the twelve barrels through his body. We discountenanced buying goods and not paying for them.
Hathaway had a check of $80 duplicate, United States to James Polich, July 21, 1846, which McGee bet of Polich for $70 paid in three 10 dollars bills, Lafayette $5 gold certificate, $2.50 gold, $2.40 silver. Charles Shumway and Colonel Hathaway have the draft. Hathaway, Rockwood, and Shumway left about 9.
President Young said he had thought of sending some 20 men immediately to Pueblo, and counseling the brethren to go immediately towards the South Pass, stop in the vicinity of Ft. Laramie and go to planting, and continued conversation till about 11. Agreed to meet at the post office tomorrow and retired. Dancing, singing, and praying at KayÂ's till 11:30. Cold northwest wind one or two [?].

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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