Mormon History, Tuesday, Dec 22, 1846.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Winter Quarters. Mild wind south. About 11 a.m., President Young, O. Pratt, Richards, Woodruff, and George A. Smith, and E. T. Benson, some of the high councils and bishops assembled near the southeast corner of President YoungÂ's house and commenced the foundation of the council house. Laid the foundation logs all round the second log on the west side, and half [a] log on the east side. At 6 ½ [6:30], B. Young, O. Pratt, W. Richards, W. Woodruff [and] E. T. Benson assembled in council at President YoungÂ's. Read a letter from Ruben Miller, November 8, 1845, to the trustees in trust. Levi Stewart, Asahel Lathrop, [?] Pierce, and others were present. Miller's letter was on Strangism. President Young thought to contend vs. Strangism.
L. O. Littlefield, December 5, 1846, Keokuk. Letter from Seth W. Palmer, Montrose, December 4, 1846, Oliver Cowdery, November 14, 1846. T. office. President Young taught that in the resurrection women would love those best who were the most lovely, that a man might love two women, but no woman could love two men because the man is the head of the woman and the woman should love her husband supremely. Letter from Joseph L. Heywood to Richard Ballentine, Nauvoo, November 28, 1846, read. Twelve retired about 10, except Kimball and Richards who tarried half [an hour] more.

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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