Mormon History, Monday, Dec 21, 1846.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Dr. [Richards] sent a team and brought his logs for the intended council house. Made a door for the west end of his house and hung it in its place. Made two pair of bedsteads for Brother Levi's house. President Young brought more logs for the counci1 house, and through A. P. Rockwood, let 3 or 400 feet of the aqueduct to be 1aid in the mill race at a bit a foot. At quarter before 8, President Young called on the Dr. and dictated letters to A. P. Sarpy, Esquire, [and] W. H. Rodgers, Savannah, Missouri, introducing John D. Lee to them, which President Young signed at 9 p.m. Made up a mail of 26 letters to be sent to the United States post office by J. D. Lee. Sent to Stephen Longstroth for one dozen mem. books, half [a] dozen pieces [of] India rubber, copper for 30 to 40 gallon kettle, ½ lb. sponge, lobelia, and quinine.

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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