Mormon History, Jul 2, 1848

[Brigham Young Sermon] Brigham spoke long. He spoke of our condition then and that we had no Christians farm to go around, as when coming through Missouri from Nauvoo, and speaking of the Sects he did not mean nor never did depreciate them all, nor did Joseph. Said he, '"Their religion they [their] schools, their morality is all good as far as it goes. They are honest. I was honest when a Methodist as now. But they may yet find a greater and better way with us. The Priesthood they have not got. But the time will come when the whole earth will know that we have the power of God with us, for we shall grow until we spread the Priesthood and its right and authority all over the earth until every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ, for God will have his only begotten, in the flesh established and acknowledged. He is the only begotten by the Father'"in the flesh. We are all begotten in some other way. I have many things to tell you when I have a time and place. He said as I had heard him say before, that our enemies have always prophesied at every place we have ever settled '"the Mormons cannot stay there long,'" and it has always turned out so, but now they say, '"if the Mormons get settled in the mountains all hell can not rout them. And that will be even so except we get divided and quarrel among ourselves. He prophesied that we should never be driven from there unless we done it ourselves and he was determined that the law of God should be observed by all that should go to that land; and if any man would mind his own business, not infringe upon our laws, be peaceable and not take the name of God in vain he was perfectly welcome to go with us, he being of the Methodist, Presbyterian or any other faith, but they that lifted their voices in cursing this people and reviling them, I will just blot them out of existence, and if any man will curse and swear he can not have a place among us. Thus he spoke but his is far short of conveying all the ideas he did. -- Clarion Creek, Nebraska [Oliver B. Huntington Journal]

[source: The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]
[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),]

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