[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Winter Quarters. Wind south, light snow in the morning. Major Miller left the place (see date December 30th) to come in here. At 2 ½ [2:30] p.m., President Young, Kimball, O. Pratt, Richards, A. Lyman, George A. Smith, N. K. Whitney, Peter Haws, A. P. Rockwood, E. T. Benson, Joseph Young [and] J. D. Grant assembled in council at Elder KimballÂ's house. Conversation was continued on organization and traveling of the camp. About 4, W. Woodruff came in and Phinehas [Phineas] Young. William Clayton came in to inquire for some wheat, retired and conversation was continued.
President J. [Joseph] Young asked, shall the president of the seventies organize a company of the seventies for organization? President Young asked shall the Twelve travel together or in the pioneer company? Shall all the Twelve go next spring? We want to make a pattern for the camp. Those who are going want to know it and prepare. Those who tarry want to know and prepare for a farm. O. Pratt motioned that the Twe1ve do not go in pioneer company. President Young said the pioneers were to find a location to put in crops this season and described the order of building location so the sentries can see from every point. Had thought of sending to Pawnee village and see if the brethrenÂ's corn and hay is safe. If so, to make it a stopping place till grass grows.
[At] 5 o'clock 5 minutes [5:05], adjourned for 30 minutes. [At] 6, assembled according to adjournment. Also J. D. Parker, O. P. Rockwell who had just returned from carrying a letter to Brother Thurston who was going to Nishanee Botony to buy corn and would come to see the President when he returned. The brethren measured each other around the breast. The Dr. [Richards] measured 43 inches, President Young, 41.
About 7, Brothers Smithies, Hutchins, Duzett, and Clayton came in and played on instruments of music for the brethren to dance. [At] 8 oÂ'clock and 20 minutes [8:20], the music retired to the kitchen. President Young and Benson were the last on the floor. [At] quarter [to] 9, instrumental music ceased when all in the house united in singing three or four hymns, "Roll Round with the Years," etc., after which all united in prayer led by President Young in which he thanked the Lord for the privilege of praising God in the song, dance, etc., etc., after which he gave an address in tongues, then conversed in tongues with Elder Kimball. President Young proposed that he form a company of 50 of his own family, then see how many men can go as pioneers, etc., how many families can go, how many families will stay etc., etc., plough and make a field here for those who stay, move the small houses on a line for a fence, etc. Conversation on emigration. [At] 10 ½ [10:30] went home to meet with the high council on Thursday evening. Dr. Richards went home, made a bedstead, and continued till 2 oÂ'clock next morning when he went to bed. The historian received from the treasurer, O. Pratt, one pig weighing 173 lbs.
[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]
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