[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Christmas Day. Wind south, weather very mild. Colonel Scott discharged the cannon three times at sunrise, with leave. There was a frequent discharge of firearms in the streets during the latter part of the night and this morning, supposed to be by unruly boys.
About 10, Bullock came in the office, wrote a letter for President Young to Mr. Fontenelle, dictated by the Dr. [Richards], who was sick in bed. President B. Young was also sick in bed. The council of ytfiF[?] assembled in the Dr.Â's round house about 12. Continued in session until about 2 ½ [2:30]. Dr. arose at 3 ½ [3:30 in the] afternoon. Council commenced at 4. President B. Young was present a short time at the opening, but soon returned home. At 8, council adjourned until 10 next morning. Patty Sessions delivered Abigail, wife of Isaac Busenbark, of a son named William Isaac at 4 p.m.
The council of ytfiF[?] assembled in the Dr.Â's [Richards] round house at 10, and had a conversation until half past 12 with James Emmet. Preaching at stand by Joseph Young regarding firing of small arms in streets. At 10 minutes to 4, council assembled and continued in session until 6. Dismissed with benediction by President Young. Immediately afterwards [6 p.m.], the municipal high council assembled in the Dr.Â's round house, O. Pratt, W. Richards, B. Young, E. T. Benson. G. W. Harris reported progress in regard to repairing the bridge. H. G. Sherwood reported Sister Mitchell quite insane and valued the wagon worth $60, and desired she should have a home at Brother HorneÂ's pro tem. Voted that the committee continue their labors.
J. B. Noble reported he was unable to find a sufficiency of teams to haul wood to repair the bridge. Ordered that Lutz and Willard Snow assist him out of their wards. Report of Joseph Knight, east of the ferry, be laid over till next meeting. Bishop Calkins was instructed to talk with Brother Matthews in regard to the $6.00, with which he bought wheat at Savannah, belonging to one of the sisters whose husband is in the army. Motioned that Phinehas [Phineas] H. Young take the books and settle up the bills of the Beef Committee, carried.
Voted that Brother Orson Pratt be instructed to deal out the provisions to the police and do just as he pleases. All the bishops, except Lutz, Noble and Snow, are notified to attend at the council house tomorrow and finish it. Voted that the Twelve, high council, and bishops go to complete the council house tomorrow. Adjourned to next Thursday evening at 6 oÂ'clock, to meet at the new council house.
[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]
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