Mormon History, Nov 11, 1845

[Hosea Stout Diary] Tuesday Nov. 11th 1845. This morning some hand met at my house and after regulating matters for them to go to work I went down to the Hall at 9 oclock where I was engaged as formerly until noon and then went with S. Gully to see Br. Fuller to try and loan some money of him for the company & to procure iron to set the smiths to work but did not succeed so after taking dinner with him I returned to the Hall and from thence to the steam mill and there saw A. P. Rockwood who wanted us to grind for the Temple Committee or rent them the mill.after some proposals on each side the matter was left to the Council of the church.The matter of the City & police guard being on my company was then taken up and also our tithing and he agreed to lay the matter before the council and have them say what is right concerning us.I then went with C. Allen to see Sister Clyde who was in some difficulty for the want of some instructions from thence we went to the police where I ag
ain saw Br Rockwood about
the Mill & he proposed giving a certain price per bushel for grain which was acceded to on our partI then went home at dark & from to Jas McLellands & S. D. Driggs in company with P. G. Taylor on company business home again

[source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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