Mormon History, Novr. 9th 1844

-- Novr. 9th 1844
Novr. 9th 1844 (from loose sheet) Regular Session D. Spencer Mayor Coun. O. Pratt O. Spencer Alderman Geo. A. Smith Hiram Kimball " John Taylor Gus. Hills " W. W. Phelps Geo. W. Harris " Brigham Young D. H. Wells "

Wm Marks "

J. C. Wright Marshall

Meeting opened - prayer by W. W. Phelps

Coun Geo. A. Smith was sworn in by W. W. Phelps

A Bill was presented <to the City Coun. of the City of Nauvoo by a Petition signed by 103 of the citizens> to open Warsaw Street from parley St. South to the River

Movd. Sec & Carried that it be referred to the committee of Streets -

W. Farr - spoke relative to additional ground land to the burying ground

Movd. sec & carried that it be referred to the committee of public grounds.

Mo. & sec & carried that Geo A. Smith be chairman pertaining to the Committee of Public Grounds

Movd sec. carried that Saml. Bennett place be filled up pertaining to public grounds - which was carried

Mov. sec. carried that Coun. O. Pratt be put in his stead - which was carried unanimously -

Moved - sec. that Ald. Marks be instructed to appear before us and gave us a statement in regard to the burying ground. which was carried

Bill was presented signed by 5 of the citizens that Hodge<h>kiss street be opened one block West of Warsaw St

Mov- sec - that it be referred to the committee of public grounds which was carried -

Mov - secd - that Ald. Marks confer with the committee of public grounds relative to the burying ground & relate the same to the council - which was carried

Coun. Young. Moved & Sec that the Bill be called for up again & reconsidered by the Council - relative in opening Warsaw Street to the River - which was carried -

Coun Young - arose & th said that he would propose that a select committee be appointed to go and see and locate the street which would be the best to open.

Mov secd. that B. Young- Orson Pratt - H. C. Kimball be the committee to go and see which will be the best street to be opened South to the River -

Coun. Geo. A. Smith - arose and said that our Committee have Conference with alderman Marks relative to the burying ground - He says that the lots are all sold and that some of them are paid for and others is not.- He also said that he was instructed to fence it in by the proceeds which he Might receive by the sales - also he further remarked if it was necessary he would give us a statement of all the sales. & money recd. & what is due &c &c

Mov. secd - that the street remain for the present one Rod & ½ - which was carried -

Two Bills was presented by D. H. Wells to the amt of $43.43 cts due to W. H. Rollosson

Mov - sec that it be referred to the com- of claims which was carried - reported allowed

Bill presented by D. H. Wells to the amt of $37 dollars due L. M. Marr -

Mov. sec that it be referred to the com of claims which was carried - reported allowed -

Bill present by A. P. Rockwood to the amt. of 21 $15 dolls 69 cts allowed

Mov - sec - that it be referred to the com. of claims which was carried -- reported allowed

Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo that all Laws Ordinances or parts of laws ordinances in relation to Swine are hereby repealed -

Bill presented by Bro Green to the amount of $228.82 cents dollars due to John P. Green (deceased)

Mov. sec. that it be referred to the com. of claims which was carried. (reported allowed)

Mov. Sec. - that W. W. Phelps be added to the Com. of claims which was carried (1)

-- 10 [Nov 1844]
[Brigham Young Journal] ---- at the stand and preachd to the brethren (2)

-- Nov 10, 1844
[Brigham Young Journal] on Sunday I Preached to the Saints on the Meeting ground there was a grate meny People Present & Spoke 2 ours to them we had a good time the saints said they ware satysfyde and much eadfyde (3)

[Lucy Mack Smith] William Smith, writing from New Jersey, asks W. W. Phelps to visit Lucy and give her "a word of consolation from me" and also to visit his sisters. (4)

-- Nov 10, 1844, Sunday
[William Clayton Writings] While in St. Louis, Clayton walked down Front Street and stopped to watch a man working on a stone marker. He was astonished to find the words ``high water June 27th 1844'' already inscribed. ``This was the day when this generation rejected the prophets of God,'' he was reminded. It was also the day floodwaters had overflowed the Missippii and covered Front Street. In Clayton's mind the high water marker was a sign of the providence of God. ``I suppose they never considered that this monument pointed directly to the day when they murdered the men of God,'' he mused. ``But I thought of it and could not help but wonder at the circumstances. I feel to hope that the monument will stand to put future generations in remembrance of the circumstances and time of the murder.'' (5)

-- 11 [Nov 1844]
[Brigham Young Journal] attended council along with my brethren the Twelve and the High Council and the Trustees in Trust at the Masonic Hall-also the Police (2)

1 - Nauvoo City Council Rough Book
2 - Brigham Young Journal # 4 in the handwriting of: William Clayton, Evan Greene, John D. Lee, Willard Richards. First person account kept by others. 'Lieut. Genl Brigham Young's Journal 1844'
3 - Brigham Young Journal (1801-1877) Journal #2 July, 1837- Mar. 1845
4 - Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books,
5 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.

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