Mormon History, 29 [Nov 1844]

-- 29 [Nov 1844]
[Brigham Young Journal] Went to Bro P. P. Majors-- (1)

-- Nov 29, 1844
George Albert Smith: Sealed to first plural wife, Lucy Messerve Smith, 29 November 1844. Two children: Don Carlos and Joel. (2)

John Murdock: Ordained bishop of Nauvoo Ward 20 August 1842; served until 29 November 1844. (2)

-- Nov 30. 1844
[High Council Minutes]

The High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints met in the Seventie's Hall according to adjournment, and opened by prayer from Father John Smith, President of the Stake, who, with, Genl Chas C. Rich, one of his Councellors, acted in concert with President S. Bent in Presiding.

The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and approved.

Moved by Pres't Bent and seconded by D. Fulmer and carried unanimously, that the Council proceed to question those individuals who were cited (by vote of the previous meeting), relative to their faith, &c. as the Council was not yet full.

Elder Wm Marks arose and stated that he had never spoken against the Council or Church, but had thought there had been some hasty moves made, but wished to do the thing that was right; did not think of apostatizing, but wished to carry out every righteous principle. Were things practiced in our midst that were not right, such as stealing and the like which had been a trouble to him, thought some had treated him with coldness and neglect &c. Wished to sustain the Church. As respected the present organization, he was willing to conform to, and abide by it.

Were his present feelings to be with the Council?

Did not wish to leave the Church, nor did he wish to crowd himself into the society of those who did not want him with them; had heard many [?] and hard speaches concerning him--was willing for the brethren to do with him as they saw fit and he would abide by it. Had the best of feelings towards those that treated him well, but there were those who were continually telling foul lies ab[o]ut him, and stealing every thing from him they could lay their hands upon.

His mind had been in an unsettled state respecting how the church should be organized, but since its present organization, was, and ever had been satisfied with it.

Moved by H. G. Sherwood, and seconded by David Fulmer, that brother Marks have our fellowship and that we give him our heart and hand for his Spiritual and Temporal welfare, carried without a dissenting vote.

Dr Ells was then called upon, who stated that he had ever feared God from his youth up. Had thought & still thought that the right of Presidency was perpetual-- was not fully satisfied that the present organization of the church was exactly right, or not, was willing to sustain the twelve in their stations, as they formerly stood (ie) as Apostles. His feelings were now towards Elder Rigdon, but was not willing to risk his salvation upon Sidney Rigdon the "twelve" or any other men.

Thought Rigdon had the right of Presidency and should so think until he had more knowledge upon the subject-- had prayed earnestly to God to know what was right and if he had suffered him to be led astray, he was willing to take it so.

Had no predilection for Elder Rigdon, but though[t] from the Revelations in Book of Covenants he was to be Prest & had been so apointed. Elder Orson Hyde then made some very appropriate and pointed remarks relative to the organization of the church, the cource of Elder Rigdon and others; and also of the appointment of the Twelve by Brother Joseph on the 23d of March last, to stand in their present office, that on them the responsibility of bearing of[f] the Kingdom rested, and tho' they had many difficulties to encounter, they must "Round up their their shoulders and bear it like men of God and not be bluffed off by any man." which statements were sanctioned by Councellor A. Cutler. Brother Hyde also prophesied of that the influence and prosperity of those who go from this place without council, would be taken from them. Elder John Taylor also made some very instructive remarks on the same subject. No testimony, nor argument seemed to satisfy Dr E. Voted unanimously, that Dr
Josiah Ells be disfellowshipped by the church until he shall reform in principles of faith and notice hereof be given in the "Times and Seasons."

Ephriam S. Green was then called upon, who seemed to manifest a desire to act in conformity to the rules of the church, and the wishes of the authorities of the same, but owing to some matter of consideration between him and Elder Hyde, his case was laid over for the present.

Others cited were not present, as it was diffucult, or impossible for them to attend. A letter from Bishop Heywood of Quincy respecting Elder Truman Wait was then read by the clerk. Elder Wait being present made some remarks denying reports against him. Elder O. Hyde reported unfavorably against him -- had frequently seen him in the grogshops, and considered his conduct very unworthy.

Voted upon motion of President John Smith & the sanction of Councellor Harris that Elder Waits licence be be taken from him and he stand as a private member.

By request of Elder H. C. Kimball, the case of J R Ball was brought up. Elder Kimball seemed to compasionate his situation, and was of the opinion that he had been willing to do by brother Gribble as he had agreed, and wished him restored to fellowship if found worthy.

After some consultation, Moved by Councellor [K]Night and seconded by Brother Cutler that J. R. Ball be received into the church by baptism and ordained to his former standing and authority. Carried unanimously.

Voted to adjourn till next Saturday at one o'clock P.M. to meet in the Seventie's Hall.

C.C. Pendleton, Clerk.

Note Councellor A. Cutler arose and stated that Elder S. Rigdon came to him on the morning that he arrived in Nauvoo from Pittsburg, and saluted him very cordially stated his joy to see him and told him that he (Cutler) was to become a great man in the Kingdom; and Elder Wm Marks also said to him that he himself, was to be head Patriarch over the whole Church.

Elder Cutler also remarked that he felt bound to sustain the Twelve, and all the Quorums in the Church with its present organization, for on that his salvation depended, and asked Elder Marks if he could take him by the hand as a brother and go with him in these matters. Elder Marks frankly said yes, Heart and Hand.

N B. The Council was full. (3)

1 - Brigham Young Journal # 4 in the handwriting of: William Clayton, Evan Greene, John D. Lee, Willard Richards. First person account kept by others. 'Lieut. Genl Brigham Young's Journal 1844'
2 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985,
3 - Minutes of the High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nauvoo Illinois: Nauvoo Hancock County Illinois,

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