Mormon History, Mar 8, 1833

/Mormon History Chronology/
-- Mar 8, 1833
Lyman Wight: "ordained" second counselor in First Presidency 18 Mar. 1833 (1)

Sidney Rigdon: Ordained 18 Mar. 1833 as first counselor to Joseph Smith Jr. "to be equal with him in holding the Keys of the Kingdom and also to the Presidency of the high Priesthood" (1)

[Jaques, Vienna] Directed to consecrate property to Church and receive inheritance in Zion 8 March 1833. (2)

[Joseph Smith] Kirtland, Ohio. Joseph Smith received Doctrine & Covenants 90, a revelation that his counselors in the presidency, Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams, were to have increased authority and be accounted as equal with thee in holding the keys of this last kingdom. They were ordained to their new responsibilities on March 18. (3)

[Lucy Mack Smith] Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams are ordained as counselors in the First Presidency in a meeting of the School of the Prophets. (4)

[Revelations] Kirtland, Ohio. Doctrine and Covenants 90. Joseph's sins forgiven. Keys will never be taken. Gives oracles of God to church. Sidney and Frederick are to be his counselors, equal to Joseph in holding the keys. School to train missionaries. Complete translation of the Old Testament, then preside and study. Joseph to preside over Zion in the Lord's own due time.
Newel K. Whitney Papers, box 1, fd. 12 heading: Kirtland 8th of March 1833 / A Commandment given unto Joseph saying,
Kirtland Revelations Book, 51-55, heading: Revelation given Kirtland 8th March 1833- / A Commandment given unto Joseph saying.
Not printed in the Book of Commandments.
1835 Doctrine and Covenants 84 heading: Revelation to Joseph Smith, jr. given March, 1833.
Whitney Manuscript/Kirtland Revelations Book. (5)

-- Mar 9, 1833
D&C 91 (Kirtland): Apocrypha contains many true things, mostly translated correctly, does not need to be translated. (6)

[Joseph Smith] Kirtland, Ohio. Joseph Smith received Doctrine & Covenants 91, a revelation concerning the Apocrypha, books which at that time were included in many editions of the Bible. (3)

[Revelations] Kirtland, Ohio. Doctrine and Covenants 91. Some of the Apocrypha is true, some false. No need to translate because those who read with the Spirit will benefit, those who don't won't.
Kirtland Revelations Book heading: Kirtland 9th of March 1833 / A Revelation given concerning Apocrypha.
Not printed in the Book of Commandments.
1835 Doctrine and Covenants 92 heading: Revelation given March 1833.
Kirtland Revelations Book. (5)

-- Mar 12, 1833
Six missionaries called. Missionaries (6)

[Lyman, Amasa Mason] Appointed to travel east with William F. Cahoon on mission 12 March 1833. (2)

-- Mar 13, 1833
D. P. Hurlbut visits Joseph and they discuss the Book of Mormon. "According to my best recollection, I heard him say, in the course of conversing with him, that if he ever became convinced that the book of Mormon was false, he would be the cause of my destruction, &c." Jan. 11, 1834 entry, (6)

-- Mar 15, 1833
D&C 92 (Kirtland): Frederick G. Williams is to be received into the United Firm. 1835 D&C 93 introduction: "Revelation to Enoch, on the order of the Church for the bernefit of the poor, given to the saints in Kirtland, March, 1833." Williams is referred to as Shederlaomach. (6)

1 - D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47
2 - Lyndon W. Cook, The Revelation of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985
3 - BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith
4 - Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, Edited by Lavina Fielding Anderson, 2001, Signature Books
5 -
6 -

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