Mormon History, Mar 18, 1848

[Hosea Stout Diary] Sat March 18th 1848. Went in company with Allen Stout down the river to the Big Bend hunting & come home unwell. Had to go to bed[.] In the evening Meeks came & wanted a police meeting called which I told him to do at evening when we all met[.] Him & J. W. Cummings had long been disaffected and now they supposed that the police could be made to lay all that had been said yesterday by by the President to my charge & thus impeach my conduct as a captain. In fact they at length come out in plain words to that effect which only exposed their concoction to the police without in the least affecting their good feelings towards me. It is true the police felt bad at the chastizement of the President but never a moment blamed me for it. They came off very much lessened in the estimation of the rest with out my saying a word to put them down.

[source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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