Mormon History, Sunday, Jun 28, 1846.

[Apostle Willard Richards Journal] Mosquito Creek. [At 1:15] l 1/4 this morning, a severe storm of wind and rain from the west blew down Captain Rockwood's tent and one of J. D. Lee's and others. Morning pleasant. [Morning] a.m. cloudy, wind east. Brother Christman came up from the point and said U. S. officers had arrived to enlist the Mormons to go and take Santa Fe, and if they did not enlist should consider them as enemies and treat them accordingly. [At] 11, Thomas Williams arrived from Mt. Pisgah with mail of 11 letters, one from William Huntington, and reported the artillery within 15 miles. C. P. Lott, Cutler and Cahoon this side Mt. Pisgah. Woodruff, Mt. Pisgah. Great rains there, some bridges gone, others afloat, which would retard the progress of the brethren.
[At 11:30] 11½, meeting organized in the valley near where it was last Sabbath. Presidents Young, Kimball, Hyde, P. Pratt, O. Pratt, Taylor, George A. Smith, W. Richards, and Father Smith, present, and about 300 Saints. President Young addressed the assembly on the situation of the Church, that no new thing has happened to us, others have been persecuted and killed. All things are controlled to the perfecting of the Saints and the overthrow of the wicked. Although an evil deed may bring good, yet a good deed may bring a greater good. If the elders should be scattered instead of going to a place of rest and safety as we have contemplated, they will preach the gospel and gather Israel the quicker. 1 oÂ'clock and 1 min. p.m., President Young closed, and Elder Kimball commenced and addressed the assembly. [He said] that the brethren are better off than at Nauvoo. There, they could not get enough to eat. Here they have plenty.
15 minutes, post master called off letters and referred two years back to entering Nauvoo with the dead bodies of the prophets. Meeting dismissed 20 min. 2 [1:40]. All the brethren to meet for business at 5 p.m. if it rained in the morning. Heavy shower from the west. About 3, Brother Miller came to the post office with Lieutenant Lincoln and Dr. Sanderson. At 4, Father Smith, PresidentYoung, H. C. Kimball, P. Pratt, G. A. Smith, and W. Richards in council at the post office. Read a sketch from the St. Louis New Era, that whipping and driving and threatening were going ahead in Hancock County on the 11th. President Young proposed sending a company from this to the great Bear River Valley without families forthwith. Voted that two men be sent to Mt. Pisgah after men and means to go to the mountains, and that Parley P. Pratt and ... [At 5:30] 5½, adjourned to public meeting to meet again.
After meeting, Taylor, and Hyde, and O. Pratt, were added to the council in general meeting. The sheep owners were called forward by George A. Smith, 15 present, who voted to put their sheep together and herd them to protect them from the wolves. O. Hyde proposed that the different companies form on the different points around, and each company furnish a herdsman. Voted that all the camps within 100 miles come near each other, the north or east limits Captain FlakeÂ's company, and herd their cattle. Moved by President Young that a delegate be sent to every company and command them to come within half mile of the PresidentÂ's. Voted John Taylor be the delegate to notify the companies to come together tomorrow. 21 were volunteered as spades men to prepare to launch the boat. An invitation was given to all to the launch at 2 p.m. tomorrow. All the caulkers are wanted early in the morning. President Young instructed the brethren to enroll themselves in some company and report themselves, and a company will be selected to go over the mountains and put in seed. All that men and hell can invent to hedge up the way of this camp.
Hazen Kimball came today and wanted help because I borrowed a little flour and gave to the poor, so I gave him $l0 to go and load his wagon. I fed his cattle month after month, no thanks. If the brethren didn't send over their teams, they will have to buy grain another year. Let every company and man report Tuesday night. Moved by President Young that we all go over the mountains leaving our families, voted unanimously. Who will volunteer to leave their families and go over the mountains? Two scores voted. If this church is blown to the four winds and never been gathered again, remember I have told you how and when and where to gather too, and if you do not go now, remember I bear my witness in the day of judgment. When God tells a man what to do, he admits of no argument and I want no arguments, and if they will do it, I will warrant them safe. B. Young. [At 7:15] 7 1/4 o'clock meeting dismissed. 8, met council, 12 at post office, except O. Hyde. Conversed on many points relative to the Mountain Mission.

[source: Apostle Willard Richards Journal]

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