Mormon History, Sep 4, 1846

[Hosea Stout Diary] Major John S. Gleason of the Legion was elected Major of the 4th Battalion which was also Infantry[.] He had also been elected captain here & Isaac C Haight his Lieutenant elected captain in his place.
Col Markham then appointed Brigade Major John Bills to be his adjutant and Quarter Master J. B. Nobles Sergeant Major. They were both aids to the Brigadier General of the Second Cohort Nauvoo Legion.
Col Markham now formed the Square and we were then addressed By the Lieutenant General who said among many other things that he wanted Col Rockwood to continue as his aid and that he was a good man &c and would do as he was told and then stop &c and then said that he had not the least hesitancy in offering himself as General of all to control and dictate all things in relation to the Military as well as every thing else &c all of which was voted by acclamation unanimously
Then after raising 4 yoke of oxen to take one of the canon to Bishop Miller and ordering Colonel Markham to raise another company to be mounted men for exploring purposes &cwe were dismissed.
Immediately after dismission the Col & field officers met and divided the companies into Battalions as follows. The First Battalion which was under me was composed of the Companies of Captains William M. Allred[.] George W. Langley, Welcome Chapman & Jas W. Cummings.
The Second Battalion was the Artillery under John Scott Captains John Lytle, Norton Jacobs[.] Harrison Burgess & James M. Flack[.] The Third Battalion under Herriman of Alva L. Tippetts, J. M. Grant, Levi Ritter and Augustus Staffords companies
After the foregoing regulations were done I came home and took dinner and then met with the field officers & Captains at two oclock at Col Markhams tent where our regulations of the companies were laid before the Captains which was satisfactory to them. We then had a drill muster for an hour or so[.] I took the command by order of the Col[.] After drilling a while I took them through the old Missouri Danite drill.This was new to most and very entertaining, also to them and more because it was such a short & simple method of manouvering small companies.
I then returned home again & went to a council at Rockwoods tent at dark. While there I recieved orders from Col Markham for me to notify my Battalion not to fire a gun & to take the caps of and put leather on the tubes or take out the priming & put tow in the pan as the case may be which order I executed immediately except Captain Cummings Company.This precaution was t prevent accidents also the fireing a gun was now the signal of alarm
I then came home and nothing more of importance took place tonight.

[source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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