Mormon History, Aug 15, 1844. Thursday.

-- Aug 15, 1844. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...I went to see Sister Emma, as she had sent for me early this A.M. I found her very cross. Esquire [James W.] Wood told me what he wanted done with regard to settling up the estate. He wanted a "list of all titles in the name of the Trustee in Trust, and not conveyed away, whether deeded or bonded, and by whom conveyed to the Trustee. Also a list of all lands conveyed to him as Trustee and by him conveyed away and to whom conveyed. Also a list of lands in his individual name. Also a full list of such personal property as was in his name as Trustee at time of his death. Also a list of all notes and accounts and given their value and whether good or bad. Also a list of all property both real or personal belonging to the heirs." Besides this he wanted me to produce the papers pertaining to the transfers of the "Maid of Iowa" and recommended Emma to have the Boat included in the schedule. While he was talking I felt as though he was laying a deep plan
to find out the situation of the private and public matters of the Church and to lay a trap for our ruin. I did not feel free to give him the papers of the Boat untill I could get council. Emma seemed very much dissatisfied because I did not go in the morning and because I yielded to do anything else untill she had her business settled. After dinner I went to see Elder B. Young and have his council. I laid the matter before him and he advised me not to give Wood any accounts pertaining to the business of the Trustee in Trust. We both went over to Brother Whitneys and stated the matter to him. He was also opposed to Wood's interfering with the business of the Trustee in Trust. I then went to see Emma. I found her alone and began to talk to her and tell her what I thought Wood's intended to do. She grew warm and said that all the business of the Trustee must be presented. We had no secrets that we must keep back from the public for she was determined to have everything settled
now. I replied to her that there were many things which I was unwilling the world should know anything about and should not lend my hand to ruin the church. She then grew more angry and said I had neglected her and the business, and there was nothing that had President Smith's name to that should not be investigated. She said she had no secrets nor anything she was unwilling the whole world should know. I told her that there was some things which would be unwilling the public should know. She denied it. I said I knew things that she did not want the world to know. She said if I harbor'd any idea that she had ever done wrong it was false. I answered "what I have seen with my eyes and heard with my ears I could believe." She said, if I said she had ever committed a crime I was a liar and I knew it. I replied Sister Emma I know I don't lie and you know better what I know I know and although I never have told it to any soul on earth nor never intend to yet it is still the trut
h and I shall not deny it. She then several times called me a liar and said she knew I was her enemy and she never had been so abused in all her life. I told her I was not her enemy nor never had been. She said I neglected her and spent my time in the secret counsel of the Twelve and it was secret things which had cost Joseph and Hyrum their lives, and says she "I prophecy that it will cost you and the Twelve your lives as it has done them." She repeated this two or three times in a threatening manner, and said it in a manner that I understood that she intended to make it cost us our lives as she had done by President Smith. I told her that I would rather die than do anything to ruin the Church. She raged very hard and used many severe threats and told me that she had now proved that I was an enemy to her and she did not want such persons about her to do business. I coolly replied that I was her friend and she would prove it so and I had done nothing but what I felt perfectl
y willing to meet her and Joseph together and answer for it. I also tried to show her that she had misinterpreted my words for I did not mean what she said I did. I told her I had run at her call night or day whenever I could get a chance and have suffered abuses which I never would have borne from any other woman in the world. She would not listen to anything I could say and I left her. I still feel to befriend her all I can but she will now try to destroy my character and influence no doubt but I have no enmity towards her and am determined I will not give way to it. She is blind as to her best interest and those who are her best friends she is the most bitter against. She is cherishing and putting her life into the hands of traitors and murderers and they will use her up; for she will not listen to the advice of her friends nor be at peace with those who wish to do her good. I feel to pray that God will soften her heart and show her the danger she is exposing herself to
and to bind her up that she may not have power to destroy thy servants O God. I went and told President Young the whole circumstances and he told me to fear not, but rejoice. (1)

-- Aug 16, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 16th Walked to the Temple with H C Kimball. I saw two of the Caps finished with a roans face with two trumpets over his head. (2)

-- Aug 17, 1844
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] 17th 5 I wrote five letters to the following Persons viz Smith Tuttle, M. Holmes, L Seamman, Freedom and Shuah Molton, and Sister Jerman. I accompanied the Twelve to the Temple and we went onto the top of its walls & viewed the Country. Encouraged the workman. I had some council from Elder Young concerning the affairs of the kingdom my mishion &c. (2)

1 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,

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