Mormon History, Jun 11, 1843

-- Jun 11, 1843
Joseph Smith preaches in the unfinished Nauvoo Temple, "Jesus did every thing possible to gather the people and they would not be gathered and he poured out curses upon them. Ordinances were instituted in heaven before the foundation of the world in the priesthood for the salvation of men, not [to] be altered, not to be changed." William Clayton writes: ". . . Margaret received a letter from Aaron [Farr] which made her feel bad. It also gave me unaccountable sorrow." Clayton's plural wife, Margaret Moon had been engaged to Aaron Farr, who was absent on a mission. (1)

Nauvoo, Illinois. Joseph Smith gave a discourse on the gathering of Israel and also interpreted Bible passages about postmortal life and the Godhead. (2)

[Joseph Smith] Preaches on purpose of the gathering and of the building of the temple. (3)

[Joseph Smith Diary] Sunday, June 11th 1843 10 A.M. at the Temple stand. Hymn by the Quire. Read 23 Matthew. P[arley] P. Pratt Prayed. Singing.

Matt[hew] 23:37 [This] Subject [was just] presented [to] me since I came in this house. I [am] a rough stone. The sound of the hammer and chisel was never heard on me nor never will be. I desire the learning and wisdom of heaven alone. Have not the least idea but if Christ should come and preach such rough things as he preached to the Jews, but this Generation would reject him for being so rough. I never can find much to say in expounding a text.

Never is half so much fuss to unlock a door if you have a key or [as] when you have not or have to cut it out with a jack knife.

O Jerusalem &c. Whence are [you] in the curse of Allmighty God that was to be poured out upon the heads of the Jews? That they would not be gathered because they would not let Christ gather them. It was the design in the Councils of heaven before the world was that the principle and law of that Priesthood was predic[a]ted upon the gathering of the people in every age of the world.

Jesus did every thing possible to gather the people and they would not be gathered and he poured out curses upon them. Ordinances were instituted in heaven before the foundation of the world in the priesthood for the salvation of men, not [to] be altered, not to be changed. All must be saved upon the same principle.

That is only your opinion Sir, say Sectarians, [and I say] when a man will go to hell it is more than my meat and drink to help them to do as they want to. Where there is no change of priesthood there is no change of ordinances says Jacob /Paul/. If God has not changed the ordinances and priesthood, howl ye sectarians. If he has, where has he revealed it? Have ye turned revelators? Then why deny it?

Men have thought many things insoluable in the last days, [for instance,] that he should raise the dead. Things have been hid from before the foundation of the [world] to be revealed to babes in the last days. There are a great many wise men and women to[o] in our midst. To[o] wise to be taught. They must die in their ignorance and in the resurrection they [will] find their mistake.

Many seal up the door of heaven by saying so, for God may reveal and I will believe. Heirs of God &c. upon the same laws, ordinances, &c. of Jesus Christ. He who will not love it all will come short of that glory if not of the whole.

Ordinance of the baptism. God decreed before the foundation of the world that this baptism should be performed in a house prepared for the purpose.

Spirits of prison. The Holy Ghost reveals it. Spirits in the world of Spirits which Jesus went to preach to. God ordained that he who would save his dead should do it by getting together as with the Jews. It always has been when a man was sent of God with the Priesthood and he began to preach the fulness of the gospel that [he] was thrust out by his friends. They are ready to butcher him if he teach[es] things which they had imagined to be wrong. Jesus was crucified upon this principle.

I will turn linguist. Many things in the Bible which do not, as they now stand, accord with the revelation of the Holy Ghost to me. Ponder "This day thou sha[l]t be with me in paradise." Paradise, [a] Modern word, don't answer to the original word used by Jesus. Find the origin of Paradise. Find a needle in a hay mow. Here is a chance for a battle ye learned men. Said Jesus, for there is not time to investigat[e] this matter. For this day you will be with me in the world of Spi[ri]ts. Then I will teach you all about it. Peter says he went and preached to the world of Spirits so that they would receive it [and] could have it answered by proxey by those who live on the earth &c.

"Gathered you for baptism for the dead washing, anointing, &c." said Jesus to [the] Jews. At one time God obtained a house where Peter was[hed] and ano[inte]d &c. on the day of pentecost.

Criticise a little further. Hell, [a] modern term, burning lake of fire and Brimstone. I would make you think I was climbing a ladder when I was climbing a rainbow. Who ever revealed it? God never did. Hades, I will hunt after Hades as Pat did for woodchuck. Sheol, who are you? God reveals, means a world of spirits. I don't think so says one. Go to my house I will take my lexicon &c. A world of departed spirits, [where] disembodied spirits all go, good, bad, and indiferent. Misery in a world of spirits is to know they came short of the glory others enjoy. They are their own accusers.

One universal heaven and hell. Sup[p]ose honorable and virtuous and whoremonger all hudled together. Judged according to deeds done in the body. Shame, shame. Thus we can [have] mint and annice and cummin and long prayers, but touch not the law as Peter tells us.

Paul says [he was] caught up to 3d heaven and [if there are not three heavens] what [reason does the Bible have to] tell that Lie for Paul. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Many mansions. All one say Sectarians. They build hay, wood, and stubble, build on the old revelations without the spirit of revelation or Priesthood. If I had time I would dig into Hell, Hades, Sheol, and tell what exists.

Heaven of Heavens could not contain him. He took the liberty to go into other heavens. I thought [the] Father, Son, and H[oly] Ghost [were] all stuck into one person. I pray for them, Father that we may be one. All stuffed into one God, a big God.

Peter [and] Stephen saw the Son of Man. [They] Saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. 3 personages in heaven who hold the keys. One to preside over all.

If any man attempt[s] to refute what I am about to say after I have made it plain, let him be accursed. As the Father hath power in himself so hath the sun [Son] power in himself to lay down his life. The Son doeth what he hath seen the Father do &c. Take his body and stuff it into the Father.

Gods have an ascendency over the angels. Angels remain angels. Some are resurrected to become Gods by such revelations as God gives in the most holy place, in his temple. Let them who are owing tithing pay it up and bring stone. What did Judge Higby [say? . . . ] If those who are owing would bring stone we could get the walls to the roof this fall or every as to let it down.

Closed about 12 [o'clock]. Bro[ther] Cutler said they could go but little further till they had the arch stone of the windows and they wanted immediately help on almost everything. [He] spoke about 15 [minutes].

Joseph gave notice the [that] Mr. DeWolf would preach this P.M. at his /own/ request. Singing.

2 1/2 P.M. /After singing/, Joseph introduced Elder DeWolf [an] Elder of the Episcopal Church, requesting the most profound attention of the congregation. The day was pleasant and the walls of the building were nearly full. Elder DeWolf read the 6th [chapter] of Hebrews and kneeled and prayed, dressed in the black gown, the common clerical robe of the English Church. Choir sung.

[Elder DeWolf:] Heb[rews] 6:1, 2 The apostle speaks of the priesthood before the introduction of [the principles of the doctrine of Christ, saying that] their views [should] not [be] l[a]ying again the foundation of Repe[n]t[ance] &c from Dead work[s], works of Moses' law. Faith next. Next Baptism. You understand this doctrine. Plural number [the doctrine of baptisms.] Baptism of water representation of that baptism which was to come. Holy Ghost raised from graves of ignorance. Water is significant figure. Fire of God's love, laying on of hand indication, sign, mark of the reception of the Holy Ghost. I perceive the doctrine of laying on of hand is perfectly understood here. Resurrection, Judgement day, resurrection previous /to/ and consummation of the earth.

I may never meet you all again this side of the eternal world, but I will appoint a meeting i.e., when the Lord Jesus shall descend with his angels to call the dead from their graves and sit in Judgment.

Joseph gave [an] appointment for Elder Adams to lecture on the Book of Mormon at 5 1/2 P.M. (4)

1 - On This Day in Mormon History,
2 - BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith
3 - Highlights in the Prophet's Life, Ensign, June 1994
4 - Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843

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