Mormon History, Oct 17, 1840

-- Oct 17, 1840
[Wilford Woodruff] Returns to London (1)

-- Oct 18, 1840
Wilford Woodruff records: "while forming a determination to warn the people in London & overcome the powers of Darkness by the assistance of God; A person appeared unto me which I considerd was the Prince of Darkness or the Devel. He made war with me & attempted to take my life. He caught me by the throat & choaked me nearly to death. He wounded me in my forehead. I also wounded him in a number of places in the head. As he was about to overcome me I prayed to the father in the name of Jesus for help. I then had power over him & he left me though much wounded. 3 personage dressed in white Came to me & prayed with me & I was immediately healed & delivered me from all my troubles." (2)

-- Oct 19, 1840
Nauvoo, Illinois. Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith wrote a letter to the Saints in Kirtland reproving them for neglect of their brethren and sisters during the Missouri persecutions. (3)

-- Oct 20, 1840
Patriarch Hyrum Smith gives a patriarchal blessing: "You are of the Tribe of Caleb according to the manifestation of the Spirit; or a descendant of Caleb; and according to the blessings of thy lineage, are entitled to the blessings made to that Tribe; and shall possess them in thy day; for you have integrity and zeal for the cause of God. . . . And in your day, shall the plates containing the Record of Mormon, and the Brass Plates, be brought into the bosom of the church; and also many other sacred records for the benefit of the Saints." (2)

-- Oct 21, 1840
Snow, Erastus: Left Nauvoo late April 1840 and returned 21 October 1840. (4)

-- Oct 22, 1840
Wilford Woodruff, on a mission in England learns that his first-born child has died over three months earlier. (2)

-- Oct 25, 1840
Benson, Ezra Taft: Appointed member of stake presidency in Quincy, Illinois, 25 October 1840. (4)

Benson, Ezra Taft: Ordained high priest by Hyrum Smith 25 October 1840 in Quincy. (4)

-- Oct 29, 1840
Apostle Brigham Young writes in his journal: "Elder Kimball and I went to Southport, . . . The Patriarch blessed us, and prophecied that there were those present who should not sleep in the grave until they should see the Son of Man come in his glory-namely, brother Kimball and myself." (2)

-- Oct 30, 1840
The First Branch in Wales was created on this day, just 3 weeks after the Missionaries arrived in the area. (5)

-- During 1840 Autumn
Work on the Nauvoo Temple begins. (6)

-- During Autumn 1840
Oliver Cowdery moves to Tiffin, OH and opens law office; partner Joel W. Wilson and with William Lang. Oliver Cowdery joined Methodists; and was knowledgeable of Hebrew, Greek, and Chaldee languages. (7)

-- During Fall 1840
Orson Pratt publishes his Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions and of the Late Discovery of Ancient American Records. Published in Edinburgh. First printed account of Joseph Smith‘s 1820 vision. (8)

1 - Kenny, Scott (editor), Wilford Woodruff's Journals 1833-1898, Chronology Signature Books, Midvale, Utah
2 - On This Day in Mormon History,
3 - BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith
4 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985
5 - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, United Kingdom, "On This Day,"
6 - Wikipedia, 19th Century (Mormonism),
7 - Tidd, N. R., "Mormon Chronology"
8 - Sherry Baker: Mormon Media History Timeline: 1827-2007,

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