Mormon History, May 3rd 1845

-- May 3rd 1845
[High Council Minutes]

The High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints met according to adjournment, and opened for business by prayer from Counsellor Thos Grover.

Councellors Present.

Samuel Bent James Allred

Lewis D. Wilson Alpheus Cutler

David Fulmer George W. Harris

Thomas Grover Aaron Johnson

Newel Knight William Huntington

Phineas Richards William Snow

Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.

The case of James Johnson of Indiana, was again taken into consideration. Brother Alva S. Tippets stated to the Council, that by a decision of Bishop John Murdock and himself, while on their Mission; the said James Johnson was cut off from the Church, whereupon it was unanimously Voted that said decision remain in effect upon him, (the Said Johnson.)

Voted to adjourn, to meet in this Hall on Saturday, two weeks from to day at three o'clock P.M.

Closing prayer by president Bent.

Approved. Calvin C. Pendleton Clerk (1)

-- May 4, 1845
[Lucy Mack Smith] William and Caroline Smith return to Nauvoo. (2)

William B Smith: Returned to Nauvoo 4 May 1845. (3)

-- May 6, 1845, Tuesday
[William Clayton Writings] Tuesday May 6. 1845. ... Evening met with the Council of Fifty in the Seventies Hall. The principal topic of conversation was the movements of the mob. It appears their determination is to get up an excitement at the Court and they are already trying it by reporting that the Saints are going en masse to Carthage at the Court, and if the Court does not execute the law on the murderers that we intend to destroy the Court and citizens of the County. From reports which the brethren have brought which have been at Carthage the mob are laying deep plans to bring us into collision with the State, so as to bring about our expulsion or extermination forthwith. It was agreed that none of the brethren leave the City at the Court, only those who are required to be there on business, so that we may prevent the mob from coming into the City and committing depredations in the absence of the brethren. An article was written by O. Hyde & W. Richards to publish in to
morrow's paper notifying the public of the designs of the mob ab and also the course we intend to pursue. The Council did not break up till 10¼ (4)

[William Clayton Writings] William Clayton noted in his journal that the anti-Mormons were affirming that, if the court did not convict the murderers, the Mormons intended to destroy the courthouse and the citizens of the county. Such tactics, Clayton wrote, ``were intended to bring us into collision with the State, so as [to] bring about our expulsion or extermination forthwith.'' (4)

-- May 7, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] "Holy Order" prayer circle meeting at Willard Richards's house in evening of Brigham Young, John Taylor, Willard Richards, George A. Smith, Amasa M. Lyman, Newel K. Whitney, Levi Richards, and William Clayton, all "being clothed," and Heber C. Kimball who "came in at the close of the meeting." Clayton recorded: "The chief subjects were to pray, that the Lord would hedge up the way of the mob so that they may have no power over us during court. Also that the Lord would hedge up the way of John Greenhow that he may not have power or influence to go to England and publish the [unauthorized] book of Doctrine and Covenants. Petitions were also offered for Brother [George] Miller and others who are sick" . (5)

[Newspaper] - Story: "Giants" - Visiting Nauvoo -- Editorial -- Describes the visit of a Giant and a Giantess to Nauvoo, both of which stood over 7 feet tall.

- Story: Anti-Mormon Tax Policies -- Editorial -- Describes people in the Treasury of the State of Illinois who dislike the Church and do not govern the people fairly.

- Announcement: Transcript of Elder Hyde's Speech about Sidney Rigdon Available -- Editorial -- Announces the availability of a transcript of a speech made by Orson Hyde about Sidney Rigdon's apostasy. Encourages missionaries to bring copies with them on their missions.

- Letter to the Editor: Nauvoo Wishes to Follow the Laws -- Signed, "Americus" -- Describes the rumors of lawlessness and succession in Nauvoo as untrue.

- Letter to the Editor: Letter from Pittsburg about Rigdon's Re-Baptisms -- Signed, "S. S." -- Describes Sidney Rigdon's method of re-baptizing members of the LDS church before allowing them to participate in his Church.

- Letter to the Editor: Letter from Pittsburg about Sidney Rigdon -- Signed, "W. Vant" -- Describes the fear of Pennsylvanians about Sidney Rigdon's presence in Pennsylvania.

- Announcement: Deaths -- Editorial -- William N. Haws (55, Dropsy in the Chest).

- Announcement: "A Voice From Nauvoo" -- W. Richards -- Presents a resolution drafted by "A General Council of the Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Nauvoo," distancing the church from the rumors that they seek revenge on Carthage. (6)

1 - Minutes of the High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nauvoo Illinois: Nauvoo Hancock County Illinois,
2 - Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books,
3 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985,
4 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
5 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,
6 -

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Mormon History, Apr. 1845

-- During Apr. 1845
John C Bennett: Circulated an alleged revelation of Joseph Smith Jr. supporting Sidney Rigdon 's right to succeed as Hinkle and William Law 's followers joined Sidney Rigdon Apr. 1845 (1)

John Taylor: Publicly threatened U.S. deputy marshal seeking Brigham Young Apr. 1845, went into hiding one month later to avoid arrest (1)

Lyman Wight: Released from office at Apr. 1845 general conference, immediately reinstated "for the present" (1)

Oliver Cowdery: Became agent for publication of George Hinkle's Church of Jesus Christ, the Bride the Lamb's Wife Apr. 1845 (1)

William Smith: Brigham Young said at Oct. 1844 conference that William Smith has "a! legal right by descent" to be Patriarch but not presented for official sustaining vote (nor in Apr. 1845) (1)

-- During April 1845
John Taylor: Sealed to Mary Ann Oakley April 1845. Five children: Henry Edgar, Mary Elizabeth, Brigham John, Ida Oakley, and Ezra Oakley. (2)

Sidney S Rigdon: Organized church by April 1845. Published newspaper at Pittsburgh. (2)

-- During spring of 1845
Lyman Wight: In accord with decisions of Council of Fifty of 1844-45, spent winter on Black River anticipating move to Texas in spring of 1845. (2)

-- May 01, 1845
[U.S. Religious History] In Louisville, Kentucky, disaffected members of the Methodist Episcopal Church organized the Methodist Episcopal Church, South as a new denomination. (3)

-- May 1, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] Thursday evening prayer circle meeting of "holy order" at Willard Richards's office for Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Amasa M. Lyman, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, George A. Smith, John Smith, Isaac Morley, Joseph Young, and William Clayton . (4)

The TIMES AND SEASONS denies that Latter-day Saints engage in polygamy. It also asks, concerning the concept of sending missionaries to Africa: "Have the common propensities of the heathen to do evil been lessened by the labors of the clergy, in as great a proportion as drunkedness and debauchery had increased by civilized intercourse under the board of foreign mission?" (5)

-- May 1, 1845. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...President Young told me that he had learned that the Rigdonites are intending to have me taken up and prosecuted for polygamy, especially George W. Robinson and Samuel James...Evening met for prayer at Dr. Richards. There were present B. Young, H. C. Kimball, W. Richards, A. Lyman, O. Hyde, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith, John Smith, I. Morley and Joseph Young and myself. (6)

-- May 2, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] Prayer circle meeting; Charles Hyde was anointed and endowed . (4)

-- May 3, 1845
Nauvoo Neighbor began publication. (7)

-- May 3, 1845. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...P.M. ...Charles Ivins was in the office and says that in conversation with [Austin] Cowles he learned that Rigdons party is very much divided both in doctrine and sentiment. Law and Rigdon differed in fifteen points of doctrine, Rigdon wanting to deny the book of Mormon which Law could not do. [William] McLell[i]n and Rigdon also differ in sentiment. (6)

1 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,
2 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985,
3 - Cline, Austin, History of American Religion: Timeline
4 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,
5 - On This Day in Mormon History,
6 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,
7 - Hemidakaota, "Church Chronology from 1800-2000,"

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Mormon History, Apr 28, 1845, Monday

-- Apr 28, 1845, Monday
[William Clayton Writings] Even when he was involved in important council meetings Clayton's name was often left out of the official histories that chronicled those meetings. Brigham Young's history for April 28, 1845, for example, tells of a council attended by himself, Heber C. Kimball, John Taylor, and Newell K. Whitney where ``we read letters from Parley P. Pratt'' pertaining to his activities in the East. But Clayton was also at that meeting, and it was he who actually read Pratt's letters to the council. (1)

[William Clayton Writings] Monday April 28, 1845 ... A.M. recording minutes of the Kingdom Allen (1)

-- Apr 29, 1845
[Nauvoo Temple] William Player placed the first circular window in the frieze. (2)

-- Apr 29, 1845, Tuesday
[William Clayton Writings] On the morning of Tuesday, the 29th of April, the first upper circular window was finished setting by Brother Player. (1)

[William Clayton Writings] Tuesday April 29. 1845 at 6:30 Met the Council of Fifty at the Seventies Hall (1)

-- Apr 30, 1845
Brigham Young, 1845-04-30, marries (aged 43); Emmeline Free (1826-1875) (aged 18); first marriage; 10 children (3)

[Newspaper] - Story: Portraits of the Twelve -- Editorial -- States that great artists in Nauvoo will soon paint portraits of the Twelve, but it has not happened yet.

- Story: "The Murder at Carthage" - Pamphlet Issued -- Editorial -- Describes a pamphlet, written by William M. Daniels, that tells the true account of the murders at Carthage.

- Announcement: Arrival of Elder Richard Bender -- Editorial -- States that Elder Richard Bender of Philadelphia has just arrived in Nauvoo.

- Announcement: "Nauvoo Canes" -- Editorial -- Describes the new fashion trend of having a cane made in Nauvoo.

- Story: "Anti-Mormonism the Natural Way" -- Editorial -- Describes a story from the St. Louis Report in which a man claims to have been swindled out of money by someone in Nauvoo posing as a member of the Church.

- Letter: "Copy of a Letter to **** of this City" -- Signed, "F.B.J." -- Letter written from a New Orleans Missionary describing his journey.

- Letter: Letter from Pittsburg about Sidney Rigdon -- Signed, "S. S." -- Letter written by a non-Mormon in Pennsylvania, which describes the fires and calamities that have taken place in the state ever since Sidney Rigdon showed up claiming to be the true prophet.

- Letter: Letter from Pittsburg about Sidney Rigdon (2) -- Signed, "Fred. Von Holstein" -- Describes the calamities in Pennsylvania, and Rigdon's supposed leadership of the Church.

- Announcement: Deaths -- W.D. Huntington -- James Holden (22, Winter Fever), Silas Knapp (47, Quick Consumption), Catherine McRae (4 months, Crysipelas), Martha Randall (53, Consumption), Elijah Hale (infant), James M. Henderson (35, Consumption). (4)

-- During Apr 1845
[African American History] Article addressing issue of abolition appears using a mix of apparently literal (i.e. "black skin") and figurative (i.e. "black hearts") "black" references. No author is cited, but the periodical at that time was edited by John Taylor. "The descendants of Ham, besides a black skin which has ever been a curse that has followed an apostate of the holy priesthood, as well as a black heart, have been servants to both Shem and Japheth, and the abolitionists are trying to make void the curse of God, but it will require more power than man possesses to counteract the decrees of eternal wisdom" (Times and Seasons, Vol.6, p.857). (5)

-- During Apr. 1845
Brigham Young: Commended Nauvoo's police for beating a man "almost to death" in the temple Apr. 1845 (6)

Brigham Young: Evaded U.S. deputy marshal's warrant Apr. 1845 for defaulted debt (6)

George A Smith: Evaded arrest for debt Apr. 1845 (6)

Heber C Kimball: Went into hiding Apr. 1845 when U.S. deputy marshal tried to arrest him for debt (6)

1 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
2 - Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple
3 - Wikipedia, List of Brigham Young's Wives,
4 -
5 - Crapo, Richley, Chronology Pertaining to Blacks and the LDS Priesthood,
6 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,

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Mormon History, Apr 23, 1845

-- Apr 23, 1845
[Newspaper] - Story: "Our Rights" -- Editorial -- Provides natural law justifications for the Saints to create their own charter.

- Announcement: "The Late Writs" - Legal Action Against the Saints -- Editorial -- Describes subpoenas for 12 or 14 Saints for taxes owed to the government. Includes a rebuttal by the editor.

- Story: "The Carthage Grays" - Vigilante Justice -- Editorial -- Alleges that the Greys threatened Mr. Backenstos with death if he did not leave the country.

- Story: "Latest from Hancock" -- Editorial -- Describes anti-Mormon vigilante justice in Hancock County.

- Letter to the Editor: The Law can be a Virtuous Career -- A.W. Babbitt -- Refutes recent jokes in the paper about the dishonesty of lawyers.

- Letter: Letter to John Taylor about the Whistling and Whittling Brigade -- Signed, "A.H." -- Describes some recent actions taken by the whistling and whittling brigade.

- Story: Rigdon Forms New Church Leadership -- Signed, "Pelagaram" -- Announces Sidney Rigdon's appointment of a new quorum of Twelve and Seventy.

- Announcement: Deaths -- W.D. Huntington -- Ada Paine (8 months, Croup), Elizabeth Edwards (36, Inflammation in the Head), Jonah R. Ball (41, Consumption), Henry J. Lewis (10 months, Inflammation on the Lungs), John P. Smith (24, Consumption), Elizabeth Royale (24, Inflammation on the Brain), Caroline E. Kesler (2, Drowned by Falling in a Well), Silas Tupper (77, Old Age), Joseph Calvin Adellmon Rockwell (5 months, Dropsy on the Brain), Sarah Griffith (57, Inflammation of the Lungs).

- Announcement: Sale of Some of Joseph Smith's Estate -- Emma Smith -- Emma signs as "Guardian," and offers some of Joseph's Land for sale. (1)

-- Apr 24, 1845
Emma Smith argues that the Nauvoo high council is the presiding authority of the church and that William Marks is the lawful successor to her husband. She bases this on an 1835 revelation (D&C 107). Brigham Young writes a letter to U.S. President James K. Polk asking, "Will it be too much for us to ask you to convene a special session of congress and furnish us an asylum, where we can enjoy our rights of conscience and religion unmolested?" (2)

-- Apr 24, 1845 (Thursday)
In a general council held at Nauvoo, it was decided to send a written appeal in behalf of the Saints to the President of the United States, and to the governor of every State in the Union, except the State of Missouri. This resolution was subsequently acted upon, but without any response, except from the governor of Arkansas, who replied in a respectful and sympathetic letter. (3)

-- Apr 24, 1845, Thursday
[William Clayton Writings] Thursday April 24, 1845.. At the Office all day recording minutes of the Kingdom (4)

-- Apr 25, 1845
James H. Monroe, a convert and school teacher in Nauvoo who taught the children of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, writes in his diary: "My time was spent, when not occupied with my school, in reading Fowler's Phrenology, a very valuable work in my estimation, and containing much information of especial benefit to me in my present capacity, as it enables me to form a better opinion of the tastes, feelings, and powers of my little protiges and thereby suggests the proper mode of education, and tells me which faculties are necessary to be cultivated. I think I must make out a chart of their heads with a description of their character as shown by the development of their organs, and then concoct a plan for their education in accordance with those principles." Four days later he complete's the phrenology chart of Joseph Smith III's head, "which [was] admitted to be correct by his mother " (2)

-- Apr 26, 1845
Sylvia P. Sessions (Lyon, Smith, Kimball) received her second anointing with Heber C. Kimball, but apparently not at a meeting of the Anointed Quorum . (5)

-- Apr 27, 1845
[African American History] Orson Hyde refers to Negroes as the cursed lineage of Canaan and says that the curse of servility which they bore was for actions in the Preexistence ("Speech Delivered Before the High Priests Quorum in Nauvoo", MS in Utah State Historical Society). He also expressed the fear that the curse of Cain would come on him and his posterity if he did not repent his apostasy. (6)

[Anointed Quorum] Sunday evening prayer circle of Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Amasa M. Lyman, George A. Smith, Orson Hyde, John Smith, Joseph Young, and William Clayton at Willard Richards's office . (5)

[Black History] O. Hyde speaks on "curse of slavery", (7)

[Joseph Smith] Nauvoo's "Whistling and Whittling Brigade" harass "old" former high councilor Austin Cowles and drive him from the city. (8)

-- Apr 27, 1845. Sunday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Evening met at Dr. Richards with the Dr. President B. Young, H. C. Kimball, A. Lyman, G. A. Smith, O. Hyde, J. Young and John Smith. Our object was to offer up prayers for a number of subjects. The meeting broke up about 10 1/2 o'clock with perfect peace and union. (9)

1 -
2 - On This Day in Mormon History,
3 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
4 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
5 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,
6 - Crapo, Richley, Chronology Pertaining to Blacks and the LDS Priesthood,
7 -
8 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,
9 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,

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Mormon History, Apr 20, 1845

-- Apr 20, 1845
[Brigham Young Sermon] President Young followed [Orson Pratt's sermon on the subject of the Gods]

Those to whom the word of God came were called "Gods" because they knew more than anybody else; said all souls were pure when they took bodies, and the difference in this life is because of the variety of circumstances under which they are brought up. Gentile blood is rebellious blood. [Nauvoo, Illinois - Autobiography of John Brown p58] (1)

-- Apr 21, 1845
[Nauvoo Temple] At 3 p.m. William Player placed the first star stone in the frieze of the entablature at the southeast corner, "the 'stars' will add much to the beauty of the Temple." The southeast corner was called "Joseph's corner." (2)

-- Apr 21, 1845, Monday
[William Clayton Writings] Monday April 21, 1845 ... Recording minutes of the Kingdom. (3)

[William Clayton Writings] Monday, April 21, seemed to be a landmark. Clayton spent the morning at his office, but he knew that across the street William Player, chief stonecutter, was preparing to put in place the first of thirty ``star stones'' that would grace the temple some fifty-five feet above the ground. At 2:30, Player was ready, and as Clayton headed out to observe he met his old friend, Heber Kimball. The two sat on Alpheus Cutler's fence, talked about religious matters, and watched a huge crane lift the stone into place. At exactly 3:00 it was set, when suddenly two workers sprang for the top of the star in a contest to see who could be the first to stand on it. Edward Miller, ``being a little the smartest,'' won.

Clayton watched the little scuffle with amusement, but there were weightier things on his mind. This was one of those events that provided renewed hope that the temple actually would be finished. He thought of that, but also thought of the economic problems of the Saints, especially those whose only livelihood came from the goods they received for working theres. More men were seeking employment than Clayton and the temple committee could possibly take care of, and more, in fact, than were needed for the work at hand. That day the committee gave the ``steady hands'' (those who had worked regularly) with large families a full barrel of flour each, and those who had small families a half barrel. To others they dealt out flour in small quantities. ``The Lord blesses the labors of his servents,'' Clayton wrote that night, ``and the higher the Temple rises the more means we have to build it with.'' (3)

[William Clayton Writings] On Monday, April 21st, Brother Player put up the first star in the architrave. At half past two o'clock, p.m. he notified me that they were about to begin to raise it. I immediately went to the east end of the temple. On my way I met Elder Heber C. Kimball, one of the Twelve, and we went and sat down together on Brother Cutler's fence, opposite where the stone stood.

We entered into conversation together on various matters, chiefly pertaining to our spiritual interests. We watched the slow upward progress of the star with great pleasure. At precisely a quarter before three o'clock, it was properly set in its place; and the instant it was set, Brothers Edward Miller and Elisha Everett sprung for the top; but Brother Miller being a little the smartest he was on first and stood erect, viewing with pride the surrounding scenery. After he got down Brother Everett also mounted the stone and stood on it for some time. The top of the star is fifty-five feet above the ground.

The first star was put up on Joseph's corner, being the first one north of the south-east corner. (3)

-- 18 or Apr 22, 1845
[Council of Fifty Members] Carrington, Albert (1813-1889). Admitted 18 or 22 April 1845. Reporter for Council meetings in 1848. (4)

[Council of Fifty Members] Fullmer, John S. (1807-1883). Admitted 18 or 22 April 1845. Released due to old age 24 June 1882. (4)

-- Apr 22, 1845, Tuesday
[William Clayton Writings] Tuesday April 22, 1845. A.M. at the Office recording the minutes of the Kingdom. P.M. attended the Council of the Kingdom. There was not much business done. The brethren are not yet gone west and will probably not start for a day or two. (3)

-- Apr 23, 1845
Wilford Woodruff, while on a mission in England, has the following dream: " I was in company with a number of the Twelve & other Brethren. I thought I had Just returned to Nauvoo from my English mission. We met with Br Joseph Smith the Prophet. I shook hands with him And asked him if he & his family were well. He said they were. I Thought the endowment had been given & he was counciling us about taking a mission abroad some portion of the time. While talkinghe sat in a Chair & leaned upon my breast. He said he was going to take a mission to India & pointed out the man to go with him but I cannot now call him by name. G. A. Smith asked liberty of Joseph to become better acquainted with me or to spend more time with me that we might be prepared to take a mission together. It was granted him. O Pratt had his mission appointed I do not know whare. Lyman Wight was spoken of. Do not recollect what was said. We had an interesting time together. All seemed happy to once more see the
Prophet." (5)

1 - Elden J. Watson, ed. Brigham Young Addresses, 1801-1877: A Chronological Compilation of Known Addresses of the Prophet Brigham Young, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1971)
2 - Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple
3 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
4 - Quinn, D. Michael, Council of Fifty Members, 1844-1945, BYU Studies 20, #2 (1980)
5 - On This Day in Mormon History,

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Mormon History, Apr 17, 1845

-- Apr 17, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessings] [Patriarchal Blessing of Levi Richards on April 17, 1845]

Nauvoo April 17th. 1845 A Blessing by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Levi Richards, son of Joseph & Rhoda, born April 14th. 1799 Hopkinton, Mass

Br Levi I lay my hands upon thy head in the name of Jesus Christ & by the authority vested in me to bless the fatherless, I seal the blessing of a father upon thee; thou art of the house of Jacob & of the family of Ephraim the son of Joseph, thou hast a right by inheritance from thy fathers to all the blessings & the priesthood which were sealed upon the children of Joseph- the eye of the Lord has been upon thee for a long season & he hath raised thee up & brought thee to a knowledge of the fullness of the gospel, because of thy willingness to obey it he hath appointed thee to be a Savior on Mt Zion in the last days & because thy fathers were righteous men & sought diligently to do the will of the Lord but it was hid from their eyes because darkness covered the Earth & they have seen thee in vision laboring for their salvation & are now waiting for deliverance & redemption from the prison house through the power of the priesthood which is conferred on thee & it is thy right
by the help of thy friends to redeem them even all thy father[']s house back to where they died in the gospel bring them up in the morning of the resur[r]ection with joy unspeakable & full of glory & many that are now living shall be brought up through thy instrumentality at that day, thy calling is not only to preach to this generation but to stand as a counselor in the house of Israel forever; the Lord shall bless thee in thine old age & comfort thine heart thou shalt raise up a posterity to bear thy name in remembrance through all generations they shall continue to increase so that they cannot be numbered, thou shalt be able to do mighty miracles in thy day even as great as ever were done by man, thou shalt be miraculously blest as a physician among the saints, & all things shall work together for thy good inasmuch as thou hast given all for the gospel[']s sake the Lord will bless thee double for all thy labors & he will freely give thee all things both in Heaven & on Ear
th even houses & lands & all things which are calculated to make life agreeable; the number of thy years shall be according to thy faith, thou shalt see & understand & realize the fulfillment of the prophecies which have been spoken concerning Zion & enjoy all the blessings of the Redeemer[']s kingdom for time & for eternity, this is thy blessing which shall not fail inasmuch as you abide in the truth, for I seal it upon thee & thy posterity in common with thy companion with eternal life amen (1)

-- Apr 17, 1845. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Part of the day I was copying records of the Kingdom...The following verses were composed by Elder John Taylor, the Apostle, and revised by him at the Council of the Kingdom on Friday 11th inst.

"The Upper California. O thats the land for me." &c.

Evening tarried at the office till 8 o'clock. Afterwards met at Dr. Richards' to pray in company with B. Young, H. C. Kimball, W. Richards, J. Taylor, G. A. Smith, A. Lyman, O. Pratt, of the twelve; N. K. Whitney and George Miller the two church bishops, John Smith, Patriarch and Joseph Young. The particular subjects asked for was father [Samuel] Bents mission to L[yman] Wights company and the deliverance of the church from their enemies. At my suggestion the hands who labor on the Temple were remembered to be preserved from accidents, inasmuch as they are in danger all the while. We had a very good time. (2)

-- Apr 18, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] Prayer cirde meeting of "Holy order" at John Smith's house; second anointing for Amasa and Mary Lyman (under date of 17 Apr.). (3)

Amasa M Lyman: Second anointing 18 Apr. 1845 (4)

[Nauvoo Temple] As the workmen were raising a large stone, some 1,500 pounds, the chain broke and it fell fifty feet, but no one was injured. (5)

-- Apr 19, 1845
[High Council Minutes]

The High Council of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met according to adjournment and opened by prayer from Councellor George W. Harris.

Councellors Present.

James Allred

Lewis D. Wilson Alpheus Cutler

David Fulmer George W. Harris Prest pro tem.

Thomas Grover Aaron Johnson

Phineas Richards William Huntington

William Snow

The following petition was accompanied with a bottle of Oil was presented before the Council.

To the Honorable President and Brethren of the High Council, by request of my husband, I write you an apology for his absence; he is sick, quite confined to his bed with a severe cough and fever, he joins with me in asking you all to join in prayer for his recovery and also requests this bottle of Oil to be consecrated for and in behalf of my husband, whom I love and re reverence, even as Sarah did Abraham, when she honored him calling him Lord.

Yours with respect,

Lydia Knight

The case of Joseph Pennock (vs.) L.T. Coons and others to be acted upon to day, was not brought before the Council as the case was settled and charge withdrawn.

Brother Alva S. Tippets stated to the council the licentious couse of conduct of one James Johnson and family of Indiana according to the best of his information both from his own information observation and the statements of others but action upon the case was defered till next Saturday that Bishop J. Murdock might be present who also was with Brother Tippets in the State aforesaid.

Voted to adjourn till next Saturday May 3 at three o'clock P.M. in the Seventie's Hall.

C.C. Pendleton Clerk

Voted that in naming the place of date, in the High Council minutes, that the Name (City of Joseph) supply the place of Nauvoo.


1 - Patriarchal Blessings
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,
3 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,
4 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,
5 - Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple
6 - Minutes of the High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nauvoo Illinois: Nauvoo Hancock County Illinois,

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Mormon History, Apr 14, 1845

-- Apr 14, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] possible meeting of "Holy Order" women at "P[resident?]. Young's" in evening . (1)

-- Apr 15, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] "Holy Order" prayer circle at office of Willard Richards . (1)

[Council of Fifty Members] Young, Phineas H. (1799-1879). Admitted 15 April 1845. His fellowship in the Council was challenged on 22 August 1851, but he reconciled himself with the Council on that date. (2)

-- Apr 15, 1845, Tuesday
[William Clayton Writings] Tuesday April 15, 1845 ... Dined at 12 Oclock with Brother Miller and afterwards rode with him to meet with the Kingdom of God in the upper room of the Seventies Hall. Phineas Young was received into the Council and decided to go with Bros Dana, Dunham and Shumway to the Indian Council at Council Bluffs and thence if they think best to the Pacific Ocean. It was also decided that Bro. Solomon Zundal (Zendal) should go with them to his tribe the Delawares. A letter from Gov. Ford was read giving his advice relative to our policy in organizing the City. He advises to organize the City into corporations of a mile square so as to include the whole surface. He d also recommends us to go and establish an independent government in California (3)

[William Clayton Writings] When one man called on him in April seeking forgiveness for the ``hard feelings and speeches'' he had used against him while Joseph was alive, Clayton quickly forgave him. ``I am glad for his sake he has taken the course he has to make the matter right & shall cherish no unkind feeling against him,'' he wrote in his journal. (3)

-- Apr 16, 1845
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal] April 16th ( )(10 P) I went to the office & Carried 40. which I had recieved at the conference for the Covenants, Temple & Emegration. On my arival there I recieved 4 Letters one from President Young, one from Elder P. P. Pratt one from Father Carter, & one from Glasgow. The three letters from America were full of interest. Br Young speaks of the Progress of the Temple & endowment & affairs in Nauvoo. Elder Fordham Brannan & Pratt all write in one letter containing good news. Father Carter & Sister Foss both write in one letter. They state that Sister Foss family are all well though several of them lay at the Point of Death when we left. Our Child Phebe Amelia is well. It is the first letter we have recieved from them since we left New York.

I also recieved 10 Papers 6 from Nauvoo & 4 from New York. 4 miles. (4)

[Newspaper] - Announcement: "List of Lands" - Lands with Due Taxes Part 2 -- Editorial -- Provides the name, description, acreage, value, and taxes owed on many properties in Nauvoo.

- Story: "The Conference" - General Conference Synopsis -- Editorial -- Describes the recently held General Conference.

- Letter to the Editor: Thomas C. Sharp and the Persecution of the Saints (3 Letters) -- Signed, "Americus" -- Describes the large anti-Mormon sentiment, and the dishonesty that allows it to perpetuate. Also speaks about Sidney Rigdon.

- Announcement: "Notice to the Churches Abroad" - Disfellowshipment Announced -- Brigham Young -- Describes the disfellowshipment of George J. Adams and Samuel Brannan.

- Announcement: Notice - Relief Society to Collect Subscriptions -- Mary Smith -- Asks the Sisters to collect the peany subscription to provide funds for the Relief Society. (5)

-- Apr 16, 1845 (Wednesday)
As the city charter of Nauvoo had been repealed, a small part of the city was incorporated as the town of Nauvoo. (6)

-- Apr 16, 1845, Wednesday
[William Clayton Writings] Wednesday April 16. 45 ... P.M. at the Office mostly copying records of the Kingdom (3)

-- Apr 17, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] Thursday evening, prayer circle of Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, John Taylor, George A. Smith, Amasa M. Lyman, Orson Pratt, Newel K. Whitney, George Miller, John Smith, Joseph Young, and William Clayton at Willard Richards's office at 8 p.m. . (1)

Letter to Lyman Wight-- Lyman Wight to whom this communication of the Council of the Twelve is addressed was an apostle and member of the Quorum of the Twelve. Like the letter of February 27, 1845, to James Emmett, this letter calls Lyman Wight to repentance for seeking to lead a group of Saints west contrary to the advice and authority of the Quorum. Significantly enough Lyman Wight and those with him were told, ". . . if you will hearken to our counsel you will give up all idea of journeying west at present. If you go westward before you have received your endowments in the Temple you will not prosper." Lyman Wight was unable to take the counsel of his Quorum leaders. His insubordination towards Brigham Young and the Quorum was discussed in the April 6, 1845, Conference of the Church, two weeks before this letter was written. For a discussion of the restrain used by the Quorum in dealing with Lyman Wight, see CHC 2:435-436. For additional background see CHC 3:384; 2:435.

LETTER to Lyman Wight et al: A Plea for Union To Brother Lyman Wight and All the Brethren With Him-Greeting: We the Council of the Twelve being assembled and having learned your present circumstances and situation and also your future calculations with regard to your journey west, cannot feel justified without giving you a word of counsel and advice together with some information relative to our present prospects. We are prospering in this city both temporally and spiritually. Immigration continues to this city. Several hundred have arrived this spring. Great peace and union prevail among all the saints. There were many thousands present at our conference this month. All of our business was performed with the utmost peace and union and not a dissenting voice. We are rushing the Temple ahead with a strong hand. Tithings come in for the Temple more liberally than they have ever done before, and with but few exceptions the saint are willing to give their all for the Temple if r
equired. There is every prospect of getting on the roof and finishing some rooms by next autumn when we shall commence administering the ordinances of endowment according to commandment. We intend commencing again on the Nauvoo House within a few days. All the saints feel spirited and determined to carry out the measures of our martyred Prophet. There is no prospect of any mob at present, and all things bid fair for peace and prosperity.

And now, dear brethren, if you will hearken to our counsel you will give up all idea of journeying west at present. If you go westward before you have received your endowments in the Temple you will not prosper. And when you meet with trouble and difficulty let no one say that the counsel of the Twelve brought them into it, for we now in the name of the Lord counsel and advise you not to go west at present. We desire, dear brethren, that you should take hold with us and help us to accomplish the building of the Lord's houses. Come brethren, be one with us, and let us be agreed in all of our exertions to roll on the great wheel of the kingdom. We forward this letter by Brother Bent. He will give you further instructions relative to our proceedings and future calculations and we hope you will receive his counsel and do accordingly and all shall be well. {1845-April 17-DHC 7:400-401} (7)

1 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,
2 - Quinn, D. Michael, Council of Fifty Members, 1844-1945, BYU Studies 20, #2 (1980)
3 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
4 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,
5 -
6 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
7 - Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)

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Mormon History, Apr 10, 1845

-- Apr 10, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] Thursday evening prayer circle of apostles, Newel K. Whitney, and George Miller, "and prayed for rain; an abundant harvest; deliverance from our enemies and blessings on the saints" . (1)

-- Apr 11, 1845
At a meeting of the Council of Fifty plans to move west are discussed and John Taylor writes a song beginning: "The upper California, O thats the land for me / It lies between the mountains & the great Pacific sea, / The saints can be supported there / And taste the sweets of liberty; / With flocks & herds abounding, O thats the land for me / O that's the land for me, O that's the land for me (2)

-- Apr 11, 1845. Friday.
[William Clayton Journal] With the Council of Fifty all day taking minutes. President Young appointed J[onathan] Dunham, C[harles] Shumway, Lorenzo Young to go with Brother [Lewis] Dana on the Western Mission. It was decided to move the printing offme into three lower stories of Masonic Hall and commence the business on a larger scale. The Council all voting to do their utmost to sustain it. (3)

-- Apr 12, 1845
Hosea Stout writes in his diary: "At home until about two o'clock and then went with my wife to the Masonic Hall to a feast of beer and cakes prepared by the Old Police. The Old Police and wives and some of the Twelve were present; we had a joyful time, as much cakes and beer as we could eat and drink; we broke up about nine o'clock p.m. and I then came home." (2)

-- Apr 12, 1845 (Saturday)
A U. S. deputy marshal of Illinois arrived at Nauvoo, with writs for Brigham Young and others, but failed to arrest them. (4)

-- Apr 13, 1845
[Anointed Quorum] Sunday prayer circle of apostles at 4 p.m. . (1)

Lyman Wight: Instructed by letter from Quorum to return to headquarters 13 Apr. 1845, which he ignored (5)

Joseph Smith prophecies "the entire overthrow of this nation in a few years." (2)

Several officers-of-the-law attend a meeting in Nauvoo. "Elder [John] Taylor gave them to understand that if they made an attempt to serve writs on him it would cost them their lives, . . ." (2)

Lyman Wight: Arrived in Davenport, Iowa, 13 April 1845; there made preparations for overland journey. (6)

-- Sunday, April 13th, 1845
[Apostle John Taylor diary] I preached at the stand. A United States officer, the U.S. Deputy Marshall for the district of Illinois, came to Nauvoo with a writ with near twenty signatures attached to it and against whom process was issued. The debt was contracted about eight years ago, and property as I have understood, had been turned out to pay it; but whether it had been settled finally or not, I have not ascertained. A great many threats having been thrown out, by many of the mobbers around, we were jealous of him; and it was reported, that he stated at Bro. Young's being out of town, that if President Young did not give himself up, that he would employ other means. [p. 54] In my discourse I spoke plainly on these things, and said that he was a mobber, or he never would have used such language, and started that the saints would defend themselves and not suffer themselves to be imposed upon; and that if any mobbers came here, they came here at their own risk; that they had
shed innocent blood, and the murderers were still prowling around; but in the name of Israel's God, they should not do it again with impunity; and all the congregation said Amen. There was Captain Smith of the Carthage Greys, he was one of the greatest of the mobocrats; it was him that drew his company up within view of the jail, at the time of the murder, and went up to the murderers and saluted them. It was this man in the capacity of magistrate that made out a false mittimus to detain Bro. Joseph and Hyrum in Carthage. Also a man of the name of Bettersworth a constable, who was so very impatient to have Bro. Joseph and Hyrum secured, that he would scarcely wait, while I went to raise a guard to escort them to jail; and I had to use a great deal of exertion to muster a company; if this man comes to town, I want to be apprised of it, I have been told he has been in town since then. I am prepared to meet such men, I carry the instruments with me.

A man of the name of James Ivins had considerable property, and wished to part with it, for the purpose (as he said) of placing his sons at some business, not having an opportunity in this place; the conclusion I came to, from his actions, was, that he was disaffected. He leaned towards Law when he was cut off; when Rigdon went the same way he had such another leaning. In consequence of these the people lost all confidence in him, and he knowing it, was desirous of leaving. He had a first rate large brick house, brick store, and large pine board barn, on a half acre of land on Main street, corner of Kimball, which he had offered to me for three thousand two hundred dollars although the buildings had cost twice that sum. I asked the brethren what their counsel was upon the subject; they said go ahead and get it. I took measures forthwith to procure it, not that I wanted to build myself up; but my idea in getting it was to keep it out of the hands of our enemies, as it was
offered so cheap; and I thought the store would suit us for a Printing office. My feelings after I had traded for this were the same as ever, I felt like sacrificing all things when called upon, my heart is not set upon property, but the things of God: I care not so much about the good things of this life, as I do about the fellowship of my brethren, and to fulfilling the work the Lord has called me to do; and the favor of the Lord, and securing to myself, my family, and friends an inheritance in the Kingdom of God. Moved into the house May 10th, 1845. On Saturday evening, May 10th, 1845, a shocking murder was committed, in Lee County, Iowa, some three or four miles from West Point.

A Dutchman from Pennsylvania, by the name of Miller and his son-inlaw Hizen, had recently moved into the county, and it was currently reported through the neighborhood that the old man had brought a large sum of money into the place. The murderers entered the house (supposed to be three in number) with their hands and faces blacked, and demanded what money there was; and struck the old man over the head as he lay in bed, he immediately jumped up and seized a gun, struck one of the villains over the head, and felled him, while engaged in this, another one stabbed him in the breast, cutting the heart; he fell and died on the spot. The sonin- law on hearing the scuffle jumped up, and grappled one of them, and knocked him down, and received a pistol ball through his right breast, and a cut over the left eye which fractured his skull; he also received a stab on the left side of his back. He has since died.

Some men immediately started in search of the murderers and traced two to Nauvoo; some of our citizens went immediately to the house where they were, (they were two of a family named Hodges notorious for thieving; the Father and Mother had joined Rigdon, and had gone to Kirtland, one of the sons named Amos, was one of the Presidents of the Seventies, he was the only Mormon in the family.) they made a desperate resistance and swore they would shoot any one who attempted to enter; they went in and took Amos, William, and Stephen into custody. They kept them in custody two days, there was great excitement round. The Grand Jury for Lee County being in session indicted William and Stephen for the murder.

They were brought before Squires Johnson and Higbee, (there being no evidence against Amos he was released,) who surrendered them to the Sheriff of Lee County, who immediately secured them in the penitentiary at Madison.

On the 15th of May, I with some others of my brethren had to secrete ourselves, to escape the hands of mobbers, who would have murdered us, if they had us in their power; they with the design of entrapping us, had made out writs against us to appear at this session of the Court to answer to charges preferred against us. We went to Brother Hunter's, and afterward to Bro. Pierce's to hide; and were employed in correcting and preparing Church history for the press. On the morning of Saturday, May 24th, 1845, we repaired to the Temple with great secrecy for the purpose of laying the corner stone, there were but few that knew about it; the band playing on the walls and the people hearing it, hurried up. About six o'clock A.M., the brethren being assembled, we proceeded to lay the stone; at quarter past six the stone was laid; after which Bro. Young prayed, his voice being heard distinctly, by the congregation below; and the congregation shouted Hossanna, Hossanna, Hossanna to
God and the Lamb, Amen, Amen, and Amen. Bro. Kay sung a song composed for the occasion by W. W. Phelps, called the capstone. Although there were several officers watching for us to take us; yet we escaped without their knowledge; when the singing commenced we left unnoticed, and they had not an opportunity of seeing us.

A hole being made in the stone for the reception of several articles, I sent 5 volumes of the Times and Seasons, (1st volume commencing November 1st, 1839) and seven numbers of the sixth volume, ending April 15th, 1845. A file of Neighbors from January 1st, 1845, to May 28th, 1845, inclusive; also a copy of my history of the Missouri persecutions; and three pamphlets I printed in the Isle of Man, one entitled Methodism, weighed in the balance and found wanting; the other two entitled Calumny refuted and Truth defended.

Sunday, June, 1st, 1845. Attended a meeting at the stand. Bros. Kimball, Young, and myself preached on the present prospects of the Saints. In the evening attended a meeting of the priesthood. (7)

1 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature Books, 1994, Appendex: Meetings and Initiations of the Anointed Quorum, 1842-45,
2 - On This Day in Mormon History,
3 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,
4 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
5 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,
6 - Cook, Lyndon W., The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants, Seventy's Mission Bookstore, Provo UT, 1985,
7 - 'The John Taylor Nauvoo journal, January 1845-September 1845,' BYU Studies 23:3 (1983) edited by Dean C. Jessee

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Mormon History, Apr 6, 1845

-- Apr 6, 1845
Sidney Rigdon: Organized own church 6 Apr. 1845 but lost members 1846, last conference Jan. 1847, and withdrew from Pennsylvania to Allegheny County, New York (1)

Brigham Young announces to general conference: "Know ye not that the millennium has commenced?" He also rules that males should be proxies for males and females for females in baptism for the dead, thus ending the gender-neutral practice of proxy ordinances. (2)

[Wilford Woodruff] Manchester conference and Joint Stock Company (3)

-- Apr 6, 1845, Sunday
[William Clayton Writings] ''Bishop Newel K. Whitney the president over the lesser or Aaronic Priesthood has only one Counciller, viz. Wm Felshaw [--] Bishop George Miller has no council[or] as a Bishop.'' (4)

-- 1845. April 7
(Brigham Young) : Sustained as "President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to this Church and nation, and all nations, and also as President of the whole Church of Latter-day Saints." (5)

-- Apr 7, 1845
Brigham Young: Sustained as president of Twelve and as "President of the whole Church" by general conference 7 Apr. 1845 (1)

Roger Orton: Sustained in that position by general conference 7 Apr. 1845 (1)

At General Conference Brigham Young is sustained as "President of the whole Church of Latter Day Saints," though this is edited out of the church newspaper's conference minutes. (2)

[Newspaper] - Announcement: "List of Lands" - Lands with Due Taxes Part 2 -- Editorial -- Provides the name, description, acreage, value, and taxes owed on many properties in Nauvoo.

- Story: Opening of Conference -- Editorial -- Describes the opening of conference, and the continuing supply of immigrants who have arrived in Nauvoo.

- Story: "Elder Kimball's Remarks at the Music Hall--" - Music and the Gospel -- L.O. Littlefield -- Describes Elder Kimball's view of music, and how it is tied to religion.

- Story: "Remarks of Elder Orson Spencer" - Music and the Gospel -- L.O. Littlefield -- Describes Elder Spencer's view of music, and how it is tied to religion. (6)

-- Apr 7, 1845 (Monday)
At a conference held in Manchester, England, Dan. Jones, who had lately arrived from America, was appointed president of the Wrexham conference (Wales), consisting of himself and wife. One year later there were seven hundred members of the Church in Wales, largely through his instrumentality. (7)

-- Apr 8, 1845
Leonard Rich: " appointed to Seventy in Sidney Rigdon 'S Church of Christ 8 Apr. 1845 (1)

William E Mclellin: Apostle 8 Apr. 1845 and Quorum of 73 in Sidney Rigdon 's church (1)

Illinois governor Thomas Ford writes to Brigham Young advising him on what to do after the Illinois Legislature had revoked Nauvoo's city charter (a move Ford opposed). He advises separating Nauvoo into a series of separately incorporated towns. He lists the "The powers under your town charters" which include "to prevent the indecent exhibition of horses." Ford's letter also states: "If you can get off by yourselves, you may enjoy peace; but, surrounded by such neighbors, I confess that I do not see the time when you will be permitted to enjoy quiet. I was informed by General Joseph Smith last summer, that he contemplated a removal West; and from what I learned from him and others at that time, I think if he had lived he would have begun to move in the matter before this time." (2)

-- Apr 8, 1845 (Tuesday)
At a conference held in Manchester, England, the so-called Joint Stock Company was organized, with Thomas Ward as president. (7)

-- Apr 9, 1845
Lorenzo Snow returns to Nauvoo and brings tithing he has collected consisting of money and in-kind donations including a six-pound cannon. (2)

-- Apr 9, 1845, Wednesday
[William Clayton Writings] ``I feel quite sick,'' he wrote in April, 1845, ``and feel that my severe confinement to the books and business is hurting my health and constitution.'' (4)

1 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,
2 - On This Day in Mormon History,
3 - Kenny, Scott (editor), Wilford Woodruff's Journals 1833-1898, Chronology Signature Books, Midvale, Utah,
4 - Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois.
5 - Van Wagoner, Richard and Walker, Steven C., A Book of Mormons,
6 -
7 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology

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Mormon History, Apr 6, 1845

-- Apr 6, 1845
Brigham Young - "as the Lord lives we will build up Jackson County in this generation" â€" Times & Seasons, vol. 6, p. 956 - (1)

Proclamation of the Twelve-- According to William H. Reeder, Jr. (Improvement Era 52:149) this proclamation was written by Wilford Woodruff by instruction from the Quorum of the Twelve and then issued by them. It constitutes one of the great prophetic utterances of the last dispensation, outlining as it does future developments of the Kingdom of God in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The prophetic proclamation addressed to all the Kings of the World; the President of the United States; the Governors of the several States; and to the Rulers and People of all Nations covers some of the preparations that are expected to be made throughout the world as a preface to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign on the earth. Nothing is said in the DHC under date of April 6, 1845, about the issuance of this proclamation. The CHC is also silent about its issuance. It was issued both as a separate pamphlet and in the Millennial Star for October 22, 1845. It is quite l
ikely that this proclamation could be the one that Joseph Smith was commanded in a revelation given January 19, 1841 to issue (D&C 124:1-11). The similarity between the wording of D&C 124:3 and the heading of this Proclamation seems too close not to have a connection. For additional background see: Improvement Era 52:149, 176-177 (March, 1949)

PROCLAMATION of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To all the King's of the World; To the President of the United States of America; To the Governors of the several States; And to the Rulers and People of all Nations:

GREETING: KNOW YE- THAT the kingdom of God has come: as has been predicted by ancient prophets, and prayed for in all ages; even that kingdom which shall fill the whole earth, and shall stand for ever.

The great Eloheim Jehovah has been pleased once more to speak from the heavens: and also to commune with man upon the earth, by means of open visions, and by the ministration of HOLY MESSENGERS.

By this means the great and eternal High Priesthood, after the Order of his Son, even the Apostleship, has been restored; or, returned to the earth.

This High Priesthood, or Apostleship, holds the keys of the kingdom of God, and power to bind on earth that which shall be bound in heaven; and to loose on earth that which shall be loosed in heaven. And, in fine, to do, and to administer in all things pertaining to the ordinances, organization, government and direction of the kingdom of God.

Being established in these last days for the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets since the world began; and in order to prepare the way for the coming of the Son of Man.

And we now bear witness that his coming is near at hand; and not many years hence, the nations and their kings shall see him coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

In order to meet this great event there must needs be a preparation. Therefore we send unto you with authority from on high, and command you all to repent and humble yourselves as little children, before the majesty of the Holy One; and come unto Jesus with a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and be baptized in his name, for the remission of sins (that is, be buried in the water in the likeness of his burial and rise again to newness of life, in the likeness of his resurrection), and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, through the laying on of the hands of the Apostles and elders, of this great and last dispensation of mercy to man.

This Spirit shall bear witness to you, of the truth of our testimony; and shall enlighten your minds, and be in you as the spirit of prophecy and revelation. It shall bring things past to your understanding and remembrance; and shall show you things to come.

It shall also impart unto you many great and glorious gifts; such as the gift of healing the sick, and of being healed, by the laying on of hands in the name of Jesus; and of expelling Demons; and even of seeing visions, and conversing with Angels and spirits from the unseen world.

By the light of this Spirit, received through the ministration of the ordinances-by the power and authority of the Holy Apostleship and Priesthood, you will be enabled to understand, and to be the children of light; and thus be prepared to escape all the things that are coming on the earth, and so stand before the Son of Man.

We testify that the foregoing doctrine is the doctrine or gospel of Jesus Christ, in its fulness; and that it is the only true, everlasting, and unchangeable gospel; and the only plan revealed on earth whereby man can be saved.

We also bear testimony that the "Indians" (so called) of North and South America are a remnant of the tribes of Israel; as is now made manifest by the discovery and revelation of their ancient oracles and records.

And that they are about to be fathered, civilized, and made one nation in this glorious land.

They will also come to the knowledge of their forefathers, and of the fulness of the gospel; and they will embrace it, and become a righteous branch of the house of Israel.

And we further testify that the Lord has appointed a holy city and temple to be built on this continent for the endowment and ordinances pertaining to the priesthood; and for the Gentiles, and the remnant of Israel to resort unto, in order to worship the Lord; and to be taught in his ways and walk in his paths: in short, to finish their preparations for the coming of the Lord.

And we further testify, that the Jews among all nations are hereby commanded, in the name of the Messiah, to prepare, to return to Jerusalem in Palestine; and to rebuild that city and temple unto the Lord:

And also to organize and establish their own political government, under their own rulers, judges, and governors in that country.

For be it known unto them that we now hold the keys of the priesthood and kingdom which is soon to be restored unto them.

Therefore let them also repent and prepare to obey the ordinances of God.

And now, O ye kings, rulers, and people of the Gentiles: hear ye the word of the Lord; for this commandment is for you. You are not only required to repent and obey the gospel in its fulness, and thus become members or citizens of the kingdom of God, but you are also hereby commanded, in the name of Jesus Christ, to put your silver and your gold, your ships and steam-vessels, your railroad trains and your hoes chariots, camels, mules, and litters, into active use, for the fulfillment of these purposes. For be it known unto you, that the only salvation which remains for the Gentiles, is for them to be identified in the same covenant, and to worship at the same altar with Israel. In short, they must come to the same standard. For, there shall be one Lord, and his name one, and He shall be king over all the earth.

The Latter-day Saints, since their first organization in the year 1830, have been a poor, persecuted, abused, and afflicted people. They have sacrificed their time and property freely, for the sake of laying the foundation of the kingdom of God, and enlarging its dominion, by the ministry of the gospel. They have suffered privation, hunger, imprisonment, and the loss of houses, lands, home, and political rights, for their testimony.

And this is not all; but their first founder, Mr. Joseph Smith, whom God raised up as a Prophet and Apostle, mighty in word and in deed, and his brother Hyrum, who was also a prophet, together with many others, have suffered a cruel martyrdom in the cause of truth; and have sealed their testimony with their blood. And still the work has, as it were, but just begun.

A great, a glorious, and a mighty work is yet to be achieved, in spreading the truth and kingdom among the Gentiles-in restoring, organizing, instructing and establishing the Jews-in gathering, instructing, relieving, civilizing, educating and administering salvation to the remnant of Israel on this continent; in building Jerusalem in Palestine; and the cities, stakes, temples, and sanctuaries of Zion in America; and in gathering the Gentiles into the same covenant and organization-instructing them in all things for their sanctification and preparation; that the whole Church of the Saints, both Gentile, Jew and Israel, may be prepared as a bride, for the coming of the Lord.

And now, O ye kings, rulers, presidents, governors, judges, legislators, nobles, lords, and rich men of the earth; will you leave us, to struggle alone, and to toil unaided in so great a work? Or will you share in the labors, toils, sacrifices, honors and blessings of the same?

Have you not the same interest in it that we have? Is it not sent forth to renovate the world-to enlighten the nations-to cover the earth with light, knowledge, truth, union, peace and love? And thus usher in the great millennium, or sabbath of rest, so long expected and sought for by all good men? We bear testimony that it is. And the fulfillment of our words will establish their truth, to millions yet unborn: while there are those now living upon the earth who will live to see the consummation.

Come, then, to the help of the Lord; and let us have your aid and protection-and your willing and hearty cooperation, in this, the greatest of all revolutions.

Again, we say, by the word of the Lord to the people, as well as to the rulers: your aid and assistance is required in this great work, and you are hereby invited, in the name of Jesus, to take an active part in it from this day forward.

Open your church, doors, and hearts for the truth. Hear the Apostles and elders of the church of the Saints, when they come into your cities and neighborhoods. Read and search the scriptures carefully and see whether these things are so-read the publications of the Saints, and help to publish them to others. Seek for the witness of the Spirit, and come and obey the glorious fulness of the gospel: and help us build the cities and sanctuaries of our God.

The sons and daughters of Zion will soon be required to devote a portion of their time in instructing the children of the forest. For they must be educated, and instructed in all the arts of civil life, as well as in the gospel. They must be clothed, fed, and instructed in the principles and practice of virtue, modesty, temperance, cleanliness, industry, mechanical arts, manners, customs, dress, music, and other things which a calculated in their nature to refine, purify, exalt and glorify them, as the sons and daughters of the royal house of Israel, and of Joseph; who are making ready for the coming of the bridegroom.

Know assuredly, that whether you come to the help of the Saints in this great work, or whether you make light of this message, and withhold your aid and cooperation, it is all the same as to the success and final triumph of the work. For it is the work of the great God; for which his WORD and OATH has been pledged, from before the foundation of the world. And the same promise and oath has been renewed unto man from the beginning, down through each succeeding dispensation: AND CONFIRMED AGAIN BY HIS OWN VOICE OUT OF THE HEAVENS IN THE PRESENT AGE. Therefore he is bound to fulfill it; and to overcome every obstacle.

The loss will therefore be on their own part, and not on the part of God, or of his Saints, should the people neglect their duty in the great work of modern restoration.

There is also another consideration of vast importance to all the rulers and people of the world, in regard to this matter. It is this: As this work progresses in its onward course, and becomes more and more an object of political and religious interest and excitement, no king, ruler, or subject, no community or individual, will stand neutral. All will at length be influenced by one spirit or the other; and will take sides either for or against the kingdom of God, and the fulfillment of the prophets, in the great restoration and return of his long dispersed covenant people.

Some will act the part of the venerable Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses; or the noble Cyrus; and will aid and bless the people of God; or like Ruth, the Moabitess, will forsake their people and their kindred and country, and will say to the Saints, or to Israel: "This people shall be my people, and their God my God." While others will walk in the footsteps of a Pharaoh, or a Balak, and will harden their hearts, and fight against God, and seek to destroy his people. These will commune with priests and prophets who love the wages of unrighteousness; and who, like Balaam, will seek to curse, or to find enchantments against Israel.

You cannot therefore stand as idle and disinterested spectators of the scenes and events which are calculated in their very nature to reduce all nations and creeds to one political and religious standard, and thus put an end to Babel forms and names, and to strife and war. You will, therefore, either be led by the good Spirit to cast in your lot, and to take a lively interest with the Saints of the Most High, and the covenant people of the Lord, or on the other hand, you will become their inveterate enemy, and oppose them by every means in your power.

To such an extreme will this great division finally extend, that the nations of the old world will combine to oppose these things by military force. They will send a great army to Palestine, against the Jews; and they will besiege their city, and will reduce the inhabitants of Jerusalem to the greatest extreme of distress and misery.

Then will commence a struggle in which the fate of nations and empires will be suspended on a single battle.

In this battle the governors and people of Judah distinguish themselves for their bravery and warlike achievements. The weak among them will be like David, and the strong among them will be like God: or like the angel of the Lord.

In that day the Lord will pour upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication, and they shall look upon the Messiah whom they have pierced.

For lo! he will descend from heaven, as the defender of the Jews: and to complete their victory. His feet will stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which shall cleave in sunder at his presence, and remove one half to the north, and the other to the south; thus forming a great valley where the mountain now stands.

The earth will quake around him, while storm and tempest, hail and plague, are mingled with the clash of arms, the roar of artillery, the shouts of victory, and the groans of the wounded and dying.

In that day all who are in the siege, both against Judea and against Jerusalem, shall be cut in pieces; though all the people of the earth should be gathered together against it.

This signal victory on the part of the Jews, so unlooked for by the nations, and attended with the personal advent of Messiah, and the accompanying events, will change the whole order of things in Europe and Asia, in regard to political and religious organization, and government.

The Jews as a nation become holy from that day forward; and their city and sanctuary becomes holy. There also the Messiah establishes his throne, and seat of government.

Jerusalem then becomes the seat of empire, and the great centre and capital of the old world.

All the families of the land shall then go up to Jerusalem once a year, to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the feast of Tabernacles.

Those who refuse to go up, shall have no rain, but shall be smitten with dearth and famine. And if the family of Egypt go not up (as it never rains there) they shall be smitten with the plague. And thus all things shall be fulfilled according to the words of the holy prophets of old, and the word of the Lord which is now revealed, to confirm and fulfill them.

In short the kings, rulers, priests and people of Europe, and of the old world, shall know this once that there is a God in Israel, who, as in days of old, can utter his Voice, and it shall be obeyed.

The courts of Rome, London, Paris, Constantinople, Petersburgh, and all others, will then have to yield the point, and do homage, and all pay tribute to one Great Centre, and to one mighty Sovereign, or, THRONES WILL BE CAST DOWN AND KINGDOMS WILL CEASE TO BE.

Priests, bishops, and clergy, whether Catholic, Protestant, or Mahomedan, will then have to yield their pretended claims to the priesthood, together with titles, honors, creeds and names; and reverence and obey the true and royal priesthood of the order of Melchisedech, and of Aaron; restored to the rightful heirs, the nobility of Israel; or, the dearth and famine will consume them, and the plague sweep them quickly down to the pit, as in the case of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, Who pretended to the priesthood, and rebelled against God's chosen priests and prophets, in the days of Moses.

While these great events are rolling on the wheels of time, and being fulfilled in the old world, the Western Continent will present a scene of grandeur, greatness, and glory, far surpassing the scene just described.

The Lord will make her that halted a remnant; and gather her that was driven out and afflicted; and make her who was cast afar off' a strong nation; and will reign over them in Mount Zion from that time forth and for ever.

Or, in other words, He will assemble the Natives the remnants of Joseph in America; and make of them a great, and strong, and powerful nation: and he will civilize and enlighten them and will establish a holy city, and temple, and seat of government among them, which shall be called Zion.

And there shall be his tabernacle, his sanctuary, his throne, and seat of government for the whole continent of North and South America for ever.

In short, it will be to the western hemisphere what Jerusalem will be to the eastern.

And there the Messiah will visit them in person; and the old Saints, who will then have been raised from the dead, will be with him. And he will establish his kingdom and laws over all the land.

To this city, and to its several branches or stakes, shall the Gentiles seek, as to a standard of light and knowledge. Yea, the nations, and their kings and nobles, shall say, Come and let us go up to the Mount Zion, and to the temple of the Lord; where his holy priesthood stand to minister continually before the Lord; and where we may be instructed more fully, and receive the ordinances of remission, and of sanctification, and redemption; and thus be adopted into the family of Israel, and identified in the same covenants of promise.

The despised and degraded son of the forest, who has wandered in dejection and sorrow, and suffered reproach, shall then drop his disguise, and stand forth in manly dignity, and exclaim to the Gentiles who have envied and sold him: Joseph: does my father yet live?" Or, in other words: I am a descendant of that Joseph who was sold into Egypt. You have hated me, and sold me, and thought I was dead. But lo! I live, and am heir to the inheritance, titles, honors, priesthood, sceptre, crown, throne, and eternal life and dignity of my fathers who live for evermore.

He shall then be ordained, washed, anointed with holy oil and arrayed in fine linen, even in the glorious and beautiful garments and royal rob of the high priesthood, which is after the order of the Son of God; and shall enter into the congregation of the Lord, even into the Holy of Holies, there to be crowned with authority and power which shall never end.

The Spirit of the Lord shall then descend upon him, like the dew upon the mountains of Hermon, and like refreshing showers of rain upon the flowers of Paradise.

His heart shall expand with knowledge, wide as eternity; and his mind shall comprehend the vast creations of his God, and His eternal purpose of redemption, glory, and exaltation, which was devised in heaven before the worlds were organized; but made manifest in these last days, for the fulness of the Gentiles, and for the exaltation of Israel.

He shall also behold his Redeemer and be filled with his presence, while the cloud of his glory shall be seen in his temple.

The city of Zion, with its sanctuary and priesthood, and the glorious fulness of the gospel, will constitute a standard which will put an end to jarring creeds and political wranglings, by uniting the republics, states, provinces, territories, nations, tribes, kindred, tongues, people, and sects of North and South America in one great and common bond of brotherhood.

While truth and knowledge shall make them free, and love cement their union. The Lord also shall be their king and their lawgiver; while wars shall cease and peace prevail for a thousand years.

Thus shall American rulers, statesmen, citizens, and savages know, "this once," that there is a God in Israel, who can utter his voice, and it? shall be fulfilled.

Americans! This mighty and strange work has been commenced in your midst, and must roll on in fulfillment.

You are now invited, and earnestly intreated, to investigate it thoroughly, and to aid and participate in its accomplishment.

You ask, What can be done?

We answer: Protect the Saints; give them their rights; extend the broad banner of the Constitution and laws over their homes, cities, fire-sides, wives, and children; that they may CEASE to be BUTCHERED, MARTYRED, ROBBED, PLUNDERED, AND DRIVEN, and may peaceably proceed in the work assigned them by their God.

Execute the Law upon the offenders, and thus rid your garments of INNOCENT BLOOD.

Pass acts, also, to indemnify them in the millions they have lost, by your cruel and criminal neglect.

Contribute liberally of your substance for their aid, and for the fulfillment of their mission.

Let the Government of the United States also continue to gather together, and to colonize the tribes and remnants of Israel (the Indians), and also to feed, clothe, succor, and protect them, and endeavor to civilize and unite; and also to bring them to the knowledge of their Israelitish origin, and of the fulness of the gospel which was revealed to, and written by, their forefathers on this land; the record of which has now come to light.

It is these records, together with the other scriptures, and the priesthood and authority now conferred upon the Saints, that will effect their final conversion and salvation; while the creeds of man, and the powerless forms and dogmas of sectarianism will still remain powerless and inefficient.

The Lord has spoken, and who can disannul it? He has uttered his voice, and who can gainsay it? He has stretched out his arm, and who can turn it back?

Why will not the government and people of these States become acquainted with these Records? They are published among them for this purpose.

They would then begin to know and understand what was to be done with these remnants, and what part they have to act in the great restitution of Israel, and of the kingdom of God. They would also know the object of the labors, and the final destiny of the Latter-day Saints as a Church and people. And this very subject has been a source of wonder and conjecture, and sometimes even of anxiety among the people, ever since the first organization of the Saints in the year 1830.

And more than all this, they would know the destiny of this Republic, and of all other Governments, States, or Republics in America-and the purpose of God in relation to this continent, from the earliest ages of antiquity, till the present, and from this time forth till the heavens and the earth shall pass away, and be created anew. All these subjects are made plain in these ancient Records, and are rolling on in fulfillment.

If the rulers and people will now inform themselves on these momentous subjects, and fulfill the duties we have just pointed out to them, they will then be entitled to a continuation of the great national blessings and favors they have heretofore enjoyed; yea, and to more abundant favors from His bountiful hand, who first raised them to national greatness. They will in that case be prospered and enlarged, and spread their dominions wide and more wide over this vast country, till not only Texas and Oregon, but the whole vast dominion from sea to sea, will be joined with them, and come under their protection as one great, powerful and peaceful empire of Liberty and Union. Millions of people would also come from all nations, their silver and their gold with them, and would take protection under our banner, till in less than half a century from the present time we would have upwards of a hundred millions of population, all united and free, while civilization, arts, cultivation a
nd improvement would extend to the most wild regions of our continent, making our "wilderness like Eden and our deserts like the garden of the Lord." Or, if they will go still further, and obey the fulness of the gospel, they would then be entitled, not only to temporal blessings, but to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and thus be prepared to receive their king, Messiah, and to dwell for ever under his peaceful government in this happy country.

But, so long as they remain indifferent and ignorant on these subjects, and so long as they continue to breathe out slanders, lies, hatred and murder against the Saints and against the remnants of Israel, and to speak evil of and oppose the things which they understand not, so long the blood of the Saints and of the martyrs of Jesus must continue to flow, and souls to cry from under the altar for vengeance on a guilty land, till the great Messiah shall execute judgment for the Saints, and give them the dominion.

It is in vain to suppose that the sword, the musket, the thunder of cannon, or the grating and rattle of chains, bolts and bars, will take away the faith, hope or knowledge of a Latter-day Saint. They know some facts-and these will continue to be known facts when death and war in their most horrid forms are raging around them. They cannot shut their eyes upon these facts to please either governors, rulers, or the raging multitude.

We would now make a solemn appeal to our rulers and other fellow-citizens, whether it is treason to know? or even to publish what we know? If it is, then strike the murderous blow, but listen to what we say.

We say, then, in life or in death, in bonds or free, that the great God has spoken in this age.-And we know it.

He has given us the Holy Priesthood and Apostleship, and the keys of the kingdom of God, to bring about the restoration of all things as promised by the holy prophets of old.-And we know it.

He has revealed the origin and the Records of the aboriginal tribes of America, and their future destiny.-And we know it.

He has revealed the fulness of the gospel, with its gifts, blessings, and ordinances.-And we know it.

He has commanded us to bear witness of it, first to the Gentiles and then to the remnants of Israel and the Jews.-And we know it.

He has commanded us to gather together his Saints on this Continent, and build up holy cities and sanctuaries.-And we know it.

He has said, that the Gentiles should come into the same gospel and covenant; and be numbered with the house of Israel and be a blessed people upon this good land for ever, if they would repent and embrace it.-And we know it.

He has also said that, if they do not repent, and come to the knowledge of the truth, and cease to fight against Zion, and also put away all murder, lying, pride, priestcraft, whoredom, and secret abomination, they shall soon perish from the earth, and be cast down to hell.-And we know it.

He has said, that the time is at hand for the Jews to be gathered to Jerusalem.-And we know it.

He has said, that the Ten Tribes of Israel should also be revealed in the North country, together with their oracles and records, preparatory to their return, and to their union with Judah, no more to be separated.-And we know it.

He has said, that when these preparations were made, both in this country and in Jerusalem and the gospel in all its fulness preached to all nations for a witness and testimony, He will come, and all the Saints with him, to reign on the earth one thousand years.-And we know it.

He has said that he will not come in his glory and destroy the wicked, till these warnings were given and these preparations were made for his reception.-And we know it.

Now, fellow-citizens, if this knowledge, or the publishing of it is treason or crime we refuse not to die.

But be ye sure of this, that whether we live or die the words of the testimony of this proclamation which we now send unto you, shall all be fulfilled.

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but not one jot or tittle of his revealed word shall fail to be fulfilled.

Therefore, again we say to all people, Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for remission of sins; and you shall receive the Holy Spirit, and shall know the truth, and be numbered with the house of Israel.

And we once more invite all the kings, presidents, governors, rulers, judges, and people of the earth, to aid us, the Latter-day Saints; and also, the Jews, and all the remnants of Israel, by your influence and protection, and by your silver and gold, that we may build the cities of Zion and Jerusalem, and the temples and sanctuaries of our God; and may accomplish the great restoration of all things, and bring in the latter-day glory.

That knowledge, truth, light, love, peace, union, honor, glory, and power, may fill the earth with eternal life and joy.

That death, bondage, oppression, wars, mourning, sorrow, and pain, may be done away for ever, and all tears be wiped from every eye.

In fulfillment of the work assigned them, let the Saints throughout the world, and all others who feel an interest in the work of God, forward their gifts, tithes, and offerings, for the building of the temple of the Lord, which is now in progress in the city of Nauvoo, in the State of Illinois.

Let them also come with their gold and silver, and goods, and workmen, to establish manufactories and business of all kinds, for the building up of the city; and for the employment and support of the poor, and thus strengthen the hands of those who have borne the burden and heat of the day, and who have made great sacrifices in laying the foundation of the kingdom of God, and moving on the work thus far.

We also make a solemn and an earnest request of all Editors of newspapers, both in this country and other countries to publish this proclamation. It certainly contains news, such as is not met with at all times, and in every place, and cannot fail to interest the reading public, especially those who have prayed every day of their lives for the Lords kingdom to to come; and for his will to be done on the earth, as it is done in heaven.

President Wilford Woodruff, who superintends the publishing department of the Latter-day Saints, in Liverpool, England, is also requested to give this proclamation a wide circulation throughout England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man.

Elder Jones, our minister to Wales, is hereby instructed to publish the same in the Welsh language, and circulate it widely through that country.

It should also be translated into German, by some of our German elders, and published both in this country, and on the continent of Europe. Also in Spanish and in French.

Our Norwegian elders in the branch at Norway, Illinois, should also translate and publish it in their language, both in this country and in Norway, in Europe.

Elder Addison Pratt, our missionary to the Sandwich Islands, should also translate and publish it there.

We also rely on our friends, the Jews, throughout the world, to give it a wide circulation in all their tongues and languages.

And last, but not least, we would invite the Editor of the Cherokee Advocate, and others of the remnant of Joseph, to publish the same as extensively as possible in the Indian tongues.

We also will endeavor on our part, to publish at our office, No. 7 Spruce street, New York, one hundred thousand copies of this work, to circulate in this country, gratis. And will do our best endeavors to send them to all presidents, governors, legislators, judges, postmasters, rulers, and people, not forgetting the clergy.

All persons who wish to aid us in so doing, will please forward us contributions for that purpose, directed to our office, No. 7, Spruce street, New York.

All who wish a number of copies for distribution, will obtain them at the above-named office, at 50 cents per hundred.

The world are also informed, that further information can be had by applying to the following general publishing offices of the Latter-day Saints.-Mr. John Taylor, "Times and Seasons" office, Nauvoo, in the State of Illinois; Messrs. Pratt and Brannan, "Prophet" office, No. 7, Spruce street, New York; Mr. Wilford Woodruff "Millennial Star" office, No. 36, Chapel street Liverpool, England. Also, of our travelling elders, and in our religious meetings throughout the world. New York April 6, 1845.

5-April 10-No available copy of this Message has been located. It is a letter from the Quorum of the Twelve to Parley P. Pratt. The letter is mentioned in DHC 7:395. {1845-April 6-Copy of Original Pamphlet} (2)

1 - Instutite for Religious Research
2 - Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)

LDS History Timeline
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Mormon History, Apr 3, 1845

-- Apr 3, 1845
[Nauvoo Temple] Temple guards found a trespasser on the temple block. The intuder was beaten almost to death, a deed which "created considerable warmth of feelings" among the citizenry. Chief of Police Hosea Stout defended his men, declaring they had only done their duty and was supported by Brigham Young. (1)

-- Apr 3, 1845. Thursday.
[William Clayton Journal] ...Evening met with a few of the high quorum at Dr. Richards house for prayer. There were present B. Young, H. C. Kimball, W. Richards, John Taylor, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith, J. E. Page, G. Miller, Joseph Young and myself. Our prayers were that the plans of the mob might be frustrated that they might have no influence nor power to disturb nor trouble us. That the leaders of the mob especially [Thomas] Sharp may be visited with judgements, and that we may be preserved in peace to finish the houses and see the Elders endowed and fulfil all that the Lord commanded us in this place, also that Brother Whitney, A. Lyman and Uncle John Smith may be healed of their sicknesses, and that our families may be blessed &c. We had a good time. (2)

-- Apr 4, 1845
Three bishops instruct the high priests of Nauvoo-s 5th Ward that if some members did not reform "they would at once discover themselves in the hands of Aunt Peggy and take leave of absence." (3)

-- Apr 5, 1845. Saturday.
[William Clayton Journal] At 9 at the Seventies Hall with the Council of Fifty but on account of a multitude of business waiting the Council adjourned until without doing business to next Friday at 8 3/4. (2)

-- Apr 6, 1845
[Brigham Young Sermon] Conference am

I hope there may be faith enough in this congregation of Saints to still the wind, and strengthen me so that I may be heard by all of these vast assemblage of people: and in order that my voice may extend, and be heard by all it will be necessary for the brethren and sisters to be as quiet as possible, and I will do my best to speak that you may hear and understand.

We shall devote this day to preaching - exhortation - singing - praying and blessing children, (such as have not been blessed,) and all those who have not been able to come to meeting: such women may be, who have not had their children blessed, and have the privilege this afternoon.

Last Sunday I proposed to the Saints, to speak to day on the subject of the baptism for the dead in connection with other items, that the Saints may be satisfied - that all doubt and darkness may be removed with regard to certain principles of the doctrine of redemption.

But before I undertake to explain or give correct views upon this important subject, I would say to all those who are satisfied with all the knowledge they have, and want no more: to you I do not expect to be an apostle this day; but for those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness, I pray, that they may be filled and satisfied with the intelligence of God, even his glory.

What I have stated in the winter past relative to the baptism for the dead, has been a matter of discussion among the elders, and among the brethren and sisters in general, but I will endeavor to show to this congregation of Saints the propriety of it; and that the people could not run at hap hazard, and without order to attend to this ordinance and at the same time it be valid, and recognized in heaven.

We are building a house at present unto the Lord in the which we expect to attend to the fulfillment of this doctrine: you all believe that this is a doctrine revealed by God to his servant Joseph. Admitting this to be the fact, that he has revealed through him a plan by which we may bring to life the dead, and bless them with a great and glorious exaltation in the presence of the Almighty with ourselves; still we want to know how to do these things right; to do them in a manner that shall be acceptable to the Almighty, if otherwise he will say unto us at the last day, "ye have not known me right, because of your slothfulness and your wickedness depart from me for I know you not." O ye Latter-day Saints! I don't want one of you to be caught in that snare, but that you may do things right and thus be enabled to make your calling and election sure. I might say the plan of salvation is perfect of itself - it is a system that can save, redeem, honor and glorify all who are willi
ng to apply themselves to it according to the pattern - it is a palm of salvation to all men both male and female; it has been handed down, and known from the days of Adam, and those who will open their eyes to see, their ears to hear, and their hearts to understand, they will acknowledge at once that it is a perfect system; but those whose eyes, ears and hearts are shut up by incorrect tradition and prejudice, they acknowledge by their lives, by their practices, by their walk and conversation, and by their actions in general, that they do not understand it, yet they plead the atonement, and say we believe the atonement is sufficient for all--only believe and he will save you; yet at the same time the bible, reason, common sense and every other righteous principle positively testifies that there must be means made use of to put you in possession of the blessings of the atonement, as well as any other blessing.

I believe the plan of salvation is comeatable, and may be understood and the inhabitants of the world who will come to God can be made acquainted with all the ordinances and blessings by which they may know how to save themselves and their friends, as we know how to build a house, or as the mechanic knows how to make any piece of mechanism; but mechanism is not to be compared with the perfection of the machine of salvation or with the beauty of the plan of redemption: it is the most perfect system of any other creature under heaven.

The gospel is adapted to the capacity of all the human family, whether they be high or low, rich or poor, bond or free, black or white, young or old, it is adapted to their capacities, all can understand and be saved: no comparison of its purity can be made; you may investigate the laws of nations, and gather together all the laws of the kingdoms of this world, and make a selection of the best part of the purest principles of the laws of justice and equity, and they would not compare, nor would there be any resemblance to the purity of the laws of heaven. He who gives that law is perfect, and reduces it to the capacity of finite beings in order that they may understand it and then receive more: thus the infinite being gives line upon line, reveals principle after principle, as the mind of the finite being expands, and when he has learned all his life he will then begin to see, that he has not yet entered upon the threshold of the eternal things that are to be gained by the c
hildren of men. I have now about got through with my preliminaries, and shall occupy your attention with some items in relation to the doctrine of the baptism for the dead.

I do not say that you have not been taught and learned the principle; you have heard it taught from this stand from time to time, by many of the elders, and from the mouth of our beloved and martyred prophet Joseph: therefore my course will not be to prove the doctrine, but refer to those things against which your minds are revolting. Consequently I would say to this vast congregation of Saints, when we enter in to the Temple of God to receive our washings, our anointings, our endowments and baptisms for the saving of ourselves, and for the saving of our dead: that you never will see a man go forth to be baptized for a woman, nor a woman for a man. If your minds should be in any dubiety with regard to this, call to mind a principle already advanced, that when an infinite being gives a law to his finite creatures, he has to descend to the capacity of those who receive his law, when the doctrine of baptism for the dead was first given, this church was in its infancy, and was n
ot capable of receiving all the knowledge of God in its highest degree; this you all believe. I would keep this one thing in your minds, and that is, that there is none, no not one of the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, that ever received the fullness of the celestial law at the first of the Lord's commencing to reveal it unto them.

The doctrine of baptism for the dead you have been taught for some time, and the first account that I heard of it was while I was in England; it was there I got the glad tidings that the living could go forth and be baptized for those who had fallen asleep. This doctrine I believed before anything was said or done about it in this church; it made me glad when I heard it was revealed through his servant Joseph, and that I could go forth, and officiate for my fathers, for my mothers, and for my ancestors, to the latest generation who have not had the privilege of helping themselves; that they can yet arise to the state of glory and exaltation as we that live, have a privilege of rising to ourselves. The next year I came home and requested Brother Joseph to preach upon the subject, which he did, I also heard many of the elders preach upon the same subject.

There has been many things said, and notions imbibed concerning this doctrine. Allow me to advance an idea, and it is this; except we attend to this ordinance according to the law of heaven in all things it will not be valid or be of any benefit either to the living or the dead; when it was first revealed all the order of it was not made known, afterwards it was made known, that records, clerks, and one or two witnesses were necessary or else it will be of no value to the saints.

The Lord has led this people all the while in this way, by giving them here a little and there a little, thus he increases their wisdom, and he that receives a little and is thankful for that shall receive more and more, and more even to the fullness of the eternal Godhead: there is no stopping place, but the weak capacity of man cannot understand it unless the spirit of the eternal God is in their hearts, and then they can comprehend but a little of it. In this is the glory, power, and excellency of the gospel of the Son of God to poor weak finite man. Look, O ye Latter-day Saints, at the nations of the earth, Christendom, look at them; but look at ourselves (although we have received a great deal) yet who is there here that has seen Jesus Christ, that have beheld angels,that have conversed with the spirits of just men made perfect, and the assembly of the church of Enoch, and with God the judge of all? who is there here that has been caught up to the third heavens and gaze
d upon the order and glory of the celestial world? don't you see brethren we have yet a great deal to learn, but is it not our privilege to be filled with all the fullness of Godliness? (cries of yes.) When you receive all that is for you, you will say O the blindness of Christendom! O the ignorance of the world!! even the Latter-day Saints that have assembled themselves together at the April conference in the year eighteen hundred and forty-five, will say, what am I?

Joseph in his life time did not receive every thing connected with the doctrine of redemption, but he has left the key with those who understand how to obtain and teach to this great people all that is necessary for their salvation and exaltation in the celestial kingdom of our God. We have got to learn how to be faithful with the few things, you know the promise is, if we are faithful in a few things we shall be made rulers over many things. If we improve upon the small things, greater will be given unto us.

I have said that a man cannot be baptized for a woman, nor a woman for a man, and it be valid. I have not used any argument as yet; I want now to use an argument upon this subject, it is a very short one; and I will do it by asking this congregation, if God would call a person to commence a thing that would not have power and ability to carry it out? Would he do it? (no.) Well then, what has been our course on former occasions? Why, here goes our beloved sisters, and they are baptized in the river or in the fount for their uncles, for their fathers, for their grandfathers and great grandfathers.

Well, now I will take you and confirm you for your uncles, for your fathers, for your grandfathers, and for your great grandfathers, and let you go; after a while here comes our beloved sisters, saying. I want to be ordained for my uncle, and for my grandfather, and great grand-father; I want my father ordained to the high priesthood, and my grandfather, I want to be patriarch, and you may ordain me a prophet for my uncle! What would you think about all that, sisters, come now you have been baptized and confirmed for your father, won't you be ordained for him? You could cast on a stocking and finish it. - You could take wool and card and spin it and make it into cloth, and then make it into garments. A person that commences a work and has not ability and power to finish it, only leaves the unfinished remains as a monument of folly. We will not commence a work we cannot finish: but let us hearken to the voice of the spirit and give heed to his teachings and we will make ourse
lves perfect in all things.

I would now call your attention to some of the saying of the apostle Paul. I hope you will not stumble at them. Paul says, "nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman. neither the woman without the man, in the Lord, for as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the women, but all things of God." The same Apostle also says, "The woman is the glory of the man." Now brethren, these are Paul's sayings, not Joseph Smith's spiritual wife system sayings.

And I would say, as no man can be perfect without the woman, so no woman can be perfect without a man to lead her, I tell you the truth as it is in the bosom of eternity; and I say so to every man upon the face of the earth; if he wishes to be saved he cannot be saved without a woman by his side. This is spiritual wife ism, that is, the doctrine of spiritual wives.

Lest these my sisters should think I give power into the hands of their husbands to abuse them, I would say there is no man has a right to govern his wife and family unless he does it after the order of the church of Christ, unless he does it upon this principle he need not expect to receive a celestial glory. He that does not govern as Jesus governs his church, breaks his bonds and solemn obligations to his family.

Now ye elders of Israel will you go and beat your wives? will you neglect and abuse them? You may ask, is that anything about being baptized for the dead, or the laws of the celestial kingdom? With regard to the laws of the celestial kingdom, I say it always was, and is, and always will be, a system of beauty and order. When the angel visited Cornelius, and commanded him to send men to Joppa for Peter, who should tell him words whereby he and his house should be saved. Would it not have saved a good deal of trouble if the angel had told these words to Cornelius? It certainly would, but it was not the angel's privilege, it remained for Peter to do, because it was Peter's calling; it was Peters's duty. In this case we see the principle of order. Again, in the case of the Savior, did he offer to baptism Paul? No, he had to go to Damascus, to a certain street, in order to find Ananias, who administered to him. Thus you see the angel honored Peter, the Savior honored Ananias by p
ermitting them to attend to the calling they had received power to act in. So let fathers honor their families, husbands honor your wives, honor your children that they may learn to honor you; and if you come and are baptized for the father of your wife, and you want your mother baptized for, let your wife do it; give honor to her. --Ananias had the glory and honor of ordaining Paul and sending him to preach. Christ had done his work, and then gave honor and glory to his servants; when the elders have done their work, let them give their wives honor, and let them say to them, come and be baptised for my mother, and for my sister, and save them, and I will preside over the whole of you.

Thus let every person stand in their own order, and do that which belongs to them to do, that there may be no confusion, but let order and beauty be the characteristics of this people. I used to think that the sectarian world would certainly get to heaven for they tried hard enough. And we boys would frequently wish ourselves in heaven with our backs broke that we could not get out again. The sectarian world is just like that, they are scrambling up in the greatest confusion, saying to each other, I hope you will get to heaven, and may your back be broke that you cannot get out again, and that is all they know about it.

The religion of heaven teaches us to give every man and every woman their due, that rightly belongs to them. And he that walks up to his privilege and duty, he has honor and glory, and shall never be removed out of his place.

I have shown to the brethren and sisters that Brother Joseph did not tell them all things at once, consequently you may expect to hear and see many things you never thought of before. One thing is that we have taken down the wooden fount that was built up by the instructions of Brother Joseph. This has been a great wonder to some, and says one of the stone cutters the other day, "I wonder why Joseph did not tell us the fount should be built of stone." The man that made that speech is walking in darkness. He is a stranger to the spirit of this work, and knows nothing. In fact he does not know enough to cut a stone for the house of God. There is not a man under the face of the heavens that has one particle of the spirit about him, but knows that God talks to men according to their circumstances. God knew that old Abraham could not build a temple, therefore he said unto him, go to the mountain I shall tell thee of, and there offer up you sacrifice. He tells us to build an house
here in this place, according to our means. And when we get a little more strength, he will say, go now and execute your means upon the next house we have got to build, and it is just to stretch our faith until it shall become exceeding great, that we can command the elements and they will obey. And when we get into Jackson county to walk in the courts of that house, we can say we built this temple for as the Lord lives we will build up Jackson county in this generation, (cries of amen,) and we will be far better off with regard to temporal things, when we have done, than ever we were before. If we had the means to build a fount in that house, say one of marble, the Lord would just as like as not tell us to cover it with gold just to stretch our faith. Brother Joseph said to me with regard to the fount, "I will not go into the river to be baptized for my friends, we will build a wooden fount to serve the present necessity; brethren does that satisfy you? This fount has caus
ed the Gentile world to wonder but a sight of the next one will make a Gentile faint away. This brings to my memory a circumstance that transpired in the temple at Kirtland. A very pious lady came to see the temple, she walked up and down in the house, with her hands locked together, and after the escape of one or two of the sectarians most sanctified groans, she exclaimed, "The Lord does not like such extravagance." Poor thing, I wonder how she will walk upon the streets when they are paved with gold; she could not bear to see the temple of God adorned and beautified, and the reason was because she was full of the devil.

I would put you on your guard against those who wear a long face, and pretend to be so holy, and so much better than every body else - They cannot look pleasant because they are full of the devil. Those who have got the forgiveness of their sins have countenances that look bright, and they will shine with the intelligence of heaven. If you don't believe it, try yourselves and then look up into the glass.

We will have a fount that will not stink and keep us all the while cleansing it out: and we will have a pool wherein to baptism the sick, that they may recover. And when we get into the fount we will show you the priesthood and the power of it: therefore, let us be diligent in observing all the commandments of God. Put away all fears of mobs, let not these things trouble you, for I say to the people I believe myself we shall have a healthy season, and that we shall have a summer of peace. The devils will growl without, and if they could get in here they would growl, but if they do they must look out. And I dare venture to say, that there could not be found as healthy a looking congregation in all the United States as I see here this day.

Brethren and sisters, for the sake of your dead and for the sake of yourselves, be faithful and have no feelings in your hearts against one another, but learn to suffer wrong rather than do wrong, and by so doing we will outstrip all our enemies and conquer the evil one, for know ye not that here is Zion? know ye not that the millennium has commenced? We have had Zion upon the earth this fourteen years. Peace reigns among this people which is Zion. Union and true charity dwells with this people: this is the most orderly and peaceable people upon the face of the whole earth. Well, this is Zion, and it is increasing and spreading wider and wider, and this principle of Zion, which is peace, will stretch all over the earth; that is the millennium. The saints will increase, and continue to increase, and virtue, love, holiness, and all good principles, will continue to spread and spread and will rule the nations of the earth, and who is there that can stop its progress? None, but
it will roll until there is no room for the devil; then he will be bound and shut up. The principles of the kingdom of God will prevail, from city to city, from nation to nation, until the devil shall be bound and there is no place for him. They killed the prophet Joseph for fear he would spread this principle but it will go and fill the whole earth; this is true and will come to pass as the Lord lives. Amen. [Nauvoo, Illinois - T&S 6:953-957] (4)

1 - Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,
3 - On This Day in Mormon History,
4 - Elden J. Watson, ed. Brigham Young Addresses, 1801-1877: A Chronological Compilation of Known Addresses of the Prophet Brigham Young, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1971)

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